My Explanation To iG Systems

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Infoldst, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Now Now all of you kawers might think that i did something to piss of iG Systems well ur right then.

    I have been in iGS for about maybe a week and a half, I grew a bit in the clan with a couple people on our CA. Well not to recemtly some stuff just popped outta nowhere and we are fighting a clan(name withheld in case iG Systems wants it to be private.)

    Now I am a person of war but to me iG systems took it to far with opposite clan.
    I kindly told them that I just wasnt right for their clan and i told them i would hit opposing clan one last time for respect toward war and iG. Now I knew I couldnt just walk away from clan and now im a farm maybe even a permafarm which is all right to me if they do it becuz I deserve this as Im suppose to be a family member to iG.

    Now i do love war but i wont fight back becuz i brought this upon my self im just explaining to those who dont understand.

    Notes to take:

    Im no EB Fairy

    I am not asking for a CF

    iG didnt tell me to write this

    And above all I apologize to all of iG a great family who I didnt belong to or deserve to be in!
  2. Srry for errors and typos
  3.  so u run from war but aren't EB noob, I forgot what wars are supposed to be like with afternoon tea
  4. Sometimes you disagree with your clan's decision… has sense.

    Though, if they farm you, farm back. That's the only thing I oppose to. To no retaliation.
  5. The one i only left becuz They took a war too far in my opinion and do u see me in a clan right now no im taking my punishment like a man.
  6. What punishment?

    Do you deserve to be farmed? NO.

    If you think iGS took it too far, then you should think you don't deserve any "punishment".

    No, there's no honor in being farmed for… few reasons, and not retaliating.
  7. Nightrush if they take hitting me too far i will hit back but right a few hitsto knock me into place never hurts
  8. How many hits have you received?

    I'd say, if you've lost over 20,000,000 in gold (yeh, 20M only) then it's time to retaliate.

    I can tell you, that not retaliating will bring up problems. Lol. Happened to me once, and awoke stripped of my only 4B ally (back in '10) by a ZAFT clan :(
  9. bro its your decision of what u do... You are a EB noob... That being said you should accept it but u should not be farmed for this action from my point of view. but from another point of view you leeched off the EB's the least you can do is help em in a war which u failed to do. Talk to IG owner n try to "apologize" REMEMBER KAW IS A WAR GAME.
  10. So you joined iG system , and what do you expect ? No war ? Taking war at eb noob level ? Please tell me
  11. Too far after losing 20mill in gold? I lose over 20mill per hit when I get farmed sometimes. It just depends on how much you have out at the time.

    I wouldn't lose any at the moment
  12. No they took war to far
  13. Op surely u did research b4 u joined iG systems? U know that iG family is ruthless and never backs down. So if u have sensitivities around war - why did u join? Or having joined - why announce that you- an Eb noob - think they are going "too far"? What did u expect would happen? This thread is actually kinda pathetic IMO. Man up and hit back - they'll respect u much more than if u sit there like a Numpty. Good luck.
  14. please elaborate on how they "took war to far" just interested is all
  15. He did not leech off the EB , as soon as war has started, iG has not finished a EB, they are too busy stripping the other clan.
  16. @camo, there's no such thing as taking a war to far.
  17. Drgn, I never said 20M was too far >.> just assuming he'd have bought allies/ banked and was left with little to no money (1-600M)…

    But now that I think about it, who has less than 600M out? :(