hello everyone, I just wanted to make this post because I was wondering what you guys thought, or would decide on this. so basically I need to make a choice on what I want to do with my life. I've finally narrowed it down to 2 option. as listed below I will put bullets under them basically naming what I'd do or want to do. Computer Software Engineering • Learn advanced coding. (Java, Etc.) • Design game graphics. • Create games. Law Enforcement • Become apart of the S.W.A.T team • Be physically and socially active. • Become a State Trooper Ofcourse the Coding and game designing May and probably will be the most picked one, it most likely is the most expensive too. but overall so tips and helps on things would be nice. thank you!
Major in computer, Minor in criminal justice. If the computer thing doesnt work out you have your minor to fall back on(law enforcement)
No one ever said on their death bed I wish I had worked more Your career does not define you What is really important in life is family, friends, and community
If you feel satisfied with your present day living, then go for the 2nd option and help the community. But if you feel, you lack something, then go for the first option, Earn much more money and fill up your life with all the stuffs that you were missing. Though our desires and needs are endless, but still it depends on a individual which life suits him best. Good luck
You could have both. Law enforcement needs people who understand how technology works. Sure you would not be making games but you could be using the skills to make a difference.
Well you need a degree to become a computer software engineer... at least start with coding languages. Go to some IT boot camps it's a difficult process but computing and informatics pays way better then law enforcement. That's my thoughts
My opinion is a bit typical but I find it's usually the most helpful in the long term. Do what you enjoy (or will enjoy) more. This is your career, what you'll be doing for a decent amount of time at least, so pick something that you'll like having to get up in the morning for. There's no point in having a job where you make a lot of money but absolutely hate working. Keep in mind that your not binding yourself to a single job for your entire life, you can switch. It might also be a good idea to job shadow, get a sense of a day in the field to see if you'll enjoy it or if it wasn't what you expected. Not all careers will allow you to, but the ones that do, it'll give you a sense to compare to. Assuming you're still in school/post secondary, talk to your counsellor. They can usually hook up a job shadowing opportunity for you. TL;DR- Basically, pick something you'll enjoy doing.
Totally agree with x_x here Careers/jobs can also be referred to as a box Most people should be asked the question when they're young: "how do you want to live?" Rather than "what do you want to do?" Can they answer that question with critical thinking? (I wanted to drink beer, chase women and drive fast cars idk about you) Typically the rate of return on post secondary education is pretty low, the 'go to school, get good grades, get a good job' route is becoming obsolete in the information age. Typical success rate of finding a good job in your field of study (in my locale) is 33%. (You can look up your own if you dont believe me) Some people choose to pursue financial freedom as it gives them the life they want to live, it doesnt matter what venture it takes. If your gonna choose a career you'll spend 40-50 yrs than yeah you better love it, and if it takes time away from your loved ones than you totally should love it. (Although most tend to dislike their vocation after 10-15 yrs) I also realize options are limited for most of us, so I advise you to keep an open mind when opportunities are presented, after all, doors into larger arenas are typically only opened by others seeking potential. Things to consider for everybody. That all being said, I vote computer engineering type stuff, thats a more secure route to take, what with the foreseeable future of jobs and professional careers being outsourced and/or replaced by robots/artificial AI. Just watch the youtube video 'humans need not apply'. At any rate good luck in whichever endeavour you choose to pursue
Even if you are worried about money by doing law enforcement you could always just invest it. People seem to forget that.
ever thought about fighting cyber crime? You'd get a little of column a & a little of column b there.
If u don't go into a job straight from school you'll most likely end up like 90% of university graduates and end up with an honours degree but working at McDonald's