My Building Strategy

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Deathrapter, Feb 17, 2012.


    Step 1- Get a volley- When you are new you are very cheap and anyone can afford you so go to the marketplace and scroll down to the very bottom where it say speaker.
    Buy one speaker and then click on the blue chat icon right above the tabs and ask for a volley. (Don't forget to mention your new).

    Step 2-build-while your volley is taking place buy workshops and land until you have unlocked a forge. Then build all forged till you are out of money.

    Step 3-Joining a clan- When you have build all these forges you need to get more money so join a clan. The clan you join really matters so I suggest you join blackhearts academy. Next when you get money upgrade the guild you have one level and replace all your workshops with more forges and and upgrade them all.

    Step4- A new build- So keep building and upgrading forges until your next land cost 900,000,000 now you have to replace all the forges with war averys. Keep doing that till all your lands are full.

    Step 5- the highland- Now replace all your war averys with circle of elements and replace all your guilds with stronghold of shadow. don't forget to upgrade your castle. Keep doing this till youve completed everything.

    Step 6- Your done- Now just get some equipment and have fun with the game.

    I hope this guide helped if you liked it and want to know more follow me. This forum is recomended by andrewks123 and the clan blackhearts academy.

  2. Advertisement in there as well, good guide, but too many of these guides
  3. I feel like I've read this guide 40-50 times before, oh well.
  4. Sorry I just wanted to help new players
  5. Also I don't like your advice to change to war avaries, they give worse plunder and cost more than guilds.
  6. What should have I said
  7. You shouldn't build anything untill you have enough for 9 lands then buy forges
  8. I mean it's your opinion and your guide, so what I say really doesn't matter. I'm just giving my 2cents.

    I just say that it works better to #1 make War cathedrals > forges off start for more plunder, #2 at 20 lands convert War cathedrals to Guildes, and keep making guilds.

    Forges are only better for resets, because makes doing quests easier.
  9. I think this is good for someone new
  10. War cathedrals were better when hitting osfs but I find forges better for the eb era when it comes to early growth. You can hit bigger ebs much easier to get the bigger bonuses.
  11. @greatness, its called using cheap potions. You make more that way + if you are smart you only use upper part of unload, so you dont have to worry about failure on decent sized ebs.
  12. I like this guild i didn't use it but I think I one day will
  13. I think you mean guide, and I love guilds

  14. Lmao war aviary.
    Titans lair is the way to go
  15. I'm only T3
  16. Don't go to SoS til ur like done in highlands or preparing for war
  17. This is good but it doesn't really give help for how to get to t3 quicker or on what eb's to do which help you grow, its just explaining the purpose of the game.......