My Build - Help?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Zarrow, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Hi,
    So I'd like to go pretty split build, mainly attack builds on highlands, mainly SOS on lowlands. What's the best way to do it?

    Here's what I have
    -8B in allies
    -26 lands
    -1 Lvl 2 SOS
    -1 Lvl 3 sub
    -1 Lvl 3 circ
    -23 Lvl 4 guilds

    What should I do? I want stats and plunder, and I want to do it the quickest, easiest way
  2. Uhhh... *runs away screaming*
  3. Hybrid is a good build, it works well in pve and gives you a wide choice of attack in a system war. It has problems though.

    Once you start to convert to SOS your plunder starts to drop. Plunder wars no longer become a good source of income. (not necessarily a bad thing though).

    In a system war you can be hit easily by bigger hitters... And you pay very well. A 7m attacker can play me from pin and earn enough to cover himself for the war.

    You need to decide what you want to do with your build. Are you looking to war? Or are you just wanting a nice mix to plunder with? The hybrid build does not make as much plunder in a war as an attack build will. You end up doing a lot of work "for the team".
  4. Ultimately it is up to you, the build should reflect how you play
  5. Lol. Thanks mem... You basically made my essay into about 10 words! That was all I actually wanted to say!
  6. K. I'll start to convert to t4 attack. Thanks guys
  7. Hi zarrow, im doing the same exact build so this is what i am doing. leave the SOS for now start with t4 attack buildings until u are BC then do SOS