My ass :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Snoopy, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]

    This is my ass, I named him Phil. He's a good little ass, when he's not being a badass that is,


    I love my ass, he's so big and round and cuddly. ️He's so beautiful isn't he?


    He is such a badass ass that he's got asses lining up to see him, we ride in style and got groupies all around us. Oh how I love my ass... Don't you love him too? Just look at him again.


    He's so precious and round and soft and cuddly and such an amazingly beautiful ass.

    You all should love him too!

    ️Phil the Ass
  2. Nice ass bro
  3. Guess you can afford your own ass when you have a movie coming out soon. Totally gonna take my Aunt Lucy and Uncle Cid to go see that peanuts movie too

  4. This is just like that movie with that guy who's dead now..
  5. It's called a donkey or burro.
  6. Gross you like hairy ass
  7. You must be fun at social gatherings
  8. Not remotely funny
  9. My ass has pimples. Regardless, people always kiss him when they ride my ass.

    He's soft and warm.
  10. I'd tap that
  11. With a stick, I mean. So he starts moving. Because they're stubborn. Yeah.
  12. Did you ever hear about the burro and the bride??

    Just breathtaking really...
  13. I like big asses and I cannot lie
  14. Thanks but it's called a donkey.
  15. It's still a ass
  16. This joke was funnier the first sure if I could b "assed" I could find the thread
  17. You're wrong. The ancestors are a species called the africanus, which translates to African wild ass.

    Burro is of Spanish origin, which I don't think the same could be said for op so why would he use it?

    Also, funny thread man.
  18. You are an ass to not fully recognize the late Roddy Piper (aka Roderick George Toombs). Yes I googled. But I do know that I watched him in WWF against Hulk Hoga in Wrestlemania 1. Yes, he passed away this last July. Movie in was "They Live". Famous quote which I have had in my banner "I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum". So put that in your pipe and smoke it you inconsiderate hole.
    My point- Prime is a very big Jack Ass