My apology to ta-tas and IG

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIFIxXFloppies_VengenceXxIVII, Feb 8, 2013.

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  1. Well as few know I ran my mouth after running my mouth about running my mouth,(stay with me here) and started trouble I knew damn good and well I couldn't handle. But damn it was exciting, until I started losing sleep, allies and gold due to a massive incoming news feed, ta-tas was a majority contributer. Burning countless pots and killing my Lil soldiers and taking my gold.
    I must clear the air by saying I never doubted your strength or resolve just wanted to see a piece of it for myself undiluted like it is in an osw. As a smaller player I don't get hit much when in osw.

    Any ways I will stop babbling and close with, "hats off to you and IG, I hope now with this public broadcast of your godly might you will allow me to go back to eb fairy mode.
    Much respect signed-the donk
  2. Double post.

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