My apology to harbingers of death

Discussion in 'Wars' started by FeelThePain, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. I would like to say I'm sorry to my team mates from harbingers of death for not being active in the ASW I'm not going to make excuses for my self and hope I can seek forgiveness and I understand this post will not reverse any think but just wanted to let you guys know I'm sorry
  2. I can feel the pain (see what I did there?)
  3. No allies lol
  4. You weren't even nearly the only one.
  5. Now all we need is developers to write us an apology thread for round 1 admins. Tisk tisk
  6. I left the ASW early out of respect for my clan. Sometimes real life happens.
  7. Yes JAM but most just went to sleep and didn't bother leaving the clan, I pinned for 8 hours and didn't give away 1 gold.
    Easy to say sorry guys I joined but didn't bother my ass doing a damn thing, ruining it for everyone else.
  8. Yes but one person did no ruin it
  9. I don't accept your half assed apolgy and ill continue to hit u bro 5 times a day till I'm bored or I change my mind.

    You made 5 actions towards our war effort in 8 hours.

    What you did was disgraceful and as such u need to learn actions have ramifications.

    Cya again tomorrow
  10. Yes but are you hitting the other in actives in the war
  11. thank you for the apology Feelthepain, and shadow you are completely correct unfortunately it wasn't down to one single person
  12. Hi tt pain was telling me you was trying to help in cc thanks pal
  13. Hi TT thanks for understanding pal
  14. nice writing mate 
  15. The other clan was on him within the first thirty mins, and he had 0sdp at like the start of the war, then ended up stripped by the end. No you're not the only reason we lost, but I bet you were our biggest leak. He finally graced us with his presence in the final 30 mins or so...
  16. Yup but it was not his fault he was stopped and a least he turned up and said sorry and the. Again in a fourm
  17. It's his fault for not having any got damn spy def pots...
  18. Be glad he didn't have sdp lol or ran out of them or the lead would've been bigger .