my apology to aoc

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Armageddon, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. I am Srry for being inactive during war and spamming cc
  2. Spammed CC? You deserve that. I hope they're farming you.
  3. They did but I don't use my soldiers
  4. If you like, I'll pin your spies.
  5. Farm the Op??? *grabs torch and pitchfork* :cool:
  6. Spamming cc and being inactive, thats probably one of the worst things you can do in a war, understand why they are farming you
  7. what does AoC stand for?
  8. Articles Of Confederation. I hope you learned your lesson. you brought it on yourself n deserved. Think twice next time...
  9. My dad forced me to go to store and they cussed on wall :I deleted: really they did
  10. If I were you, I'd farm him until Reset. But that's just me...
  11. Army_of_chaos you dint do anything to us:p
  12. Cajunspices is good people, should they let u walk count it a gift, but that is a shame what you did. Inactivity can be compensated for to an extent, but spamming cc can cause big problems.
  13. I love that gif!
  14. Oh God :roll:
  15. [​IMG]
  16. WTH is that!! Lmao!!!
  17. I was in AoC, Awesome clan, I hope you're farmed to kingdom come.
  18. Soooo... How were you both inactive in the war and spamming cc??
  19. Sad_fighter_sad aren't you codey botz?