My apology to all hit members

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Aug 28, 2012.

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  1. I would like to make a real apology this time. I know what else I have to do to not be a perm farm, but I am not going to comply to that. So I'd just like to apologize even though I know this will do nothing.

    I went on a scamming spree and the player sharp18 making him lose over 40B in gold. Sharp I am sorry and I should have never done that. I am a perm farm unless I drop my build I would not be able to repay you.

    I shouldn't have taken advantage of your trust and ripped you off. I know what I did was wrong, 1 player just made it seem so good but in the end they back stabbed me for money.

    I hope you guys can forgive me and let me repay you other then buying mobs or destroying my build. I'm just going to quit the game and maybe come back in the future but in the mean time I'm out 

    Also if you want to strike a deal other then making me drop my build or buy nobs then wall me.

    I'm truly sorry
  2. No your secod
  3. Buying nobs? They want you to buy nobs? Lol tell em to get ******. No free game is worth RL cash to stop **** lol.

    I suggest hit members, you take this apology and let him pay his debt back. Unless your all sad sacks that you are able to push someone to either kill themselfs off or spend real cash  I know what I'd say in the situation barcode. I wouldn't have even given them the satisfaction of this thread
  4. I think that you should reset OP And stop all the tears .....
  5. LOL. The way I see it u got 3 options. 1) FIGHT- stop being a lil wimp and fight. Go pure spy if u can't contain allies, maybe then ul get some respect. 2) Do wat they said; you lose, THE END. 3) Quit the game- If you can't handle it. stop crying. Weeeee
  6. I say your 1v1 this sharp, and we see who comes out on top.
  7. What a ******* joke. If their surrender terms are to buy nobs or drop your build, you need to start hitting them.
  8. Ive asked for a 1 o 1
  9. First off-nobody at HiT asked you to buy them nobs. Nor would we. You acknowledged you were wrong. You apologized publicly-and appears to be a real apology. Hopefully you've learned your lesson. My advice is that you promise to pay sharp back-buy allies back-and then I would imagine a cf is doable. That's it-those are reasonable requests. It may take you a month to get there but after all you did screw one of our members.
  10. Your owner told a friend who was talking for me I had to buy back my stripped allies today do either buy nobs to pay or drop my build to pay for buyin back the allies
  11. Hatfield just spoke. Sounded pretty reasonable. Dont scam people and that doesn't happen to u lol. U kinda deserved it
  12. And remember. Don't scam in mickeys game without payin the don. Or u gets no protection. And this doesn't happen to u noobs. Btw hi sidewinder
  13. Hmm after further review I retract my prior post. Seems there is some confusion here - perhaps take this to pm and discuss? Thank you hat for speaking for your clan in such a respectful manner towards the op.
  14. Ha play the mickey game right dont scam bad ass mother fuckers next time.
    For the record I appreciate your apology, for one that almost was in sharps place.
  15. Is their a new cf now you have gotten back at me I'll just buy back wen I have the money in a month
  16. Much better apology. I respect that you finally admitted the truth. I think that the embarrassment you suffered onto yourself is punishment enough on top of the gold we stripped from you. Your Cease Fire terms were to make a sincere apology and rebuy the stripped allies. You expressed an inability to purchase said allies so I provided you with possible solutions on how to afford allies, but never were any demands made that you spend real money. We are not without compassion and it seems like you have learned the error of your ways. Because of this I am willing to offer you new CF terms:

    1. Never again attempt to volley scam
    2. Stop spreading lies and bragging about false deeds
    3. Try to become a better, more respectable player

    Failure to comply with these terms will result in you becoming our clan farm once again. If you do not comply we will find out. As of now all clan members will cease fire. The HiT Squad is done with you.
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