My All Fight BuildThoughts?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Pwnstar91, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. So i now have 36 Land with which i filled with 11 cf lvl 4 , 21 sf lvl 4 and 3 guilds lvl 4 i have been doin ebs for far too long so i wanna do wars once i reach 3m combined stats, im seeing all this spy builds and it got me thinking will i actually be able to do anything in a war? any thought if i shoud start changing my build and if i do wat build ya think wud be best for wars? i genuinely want some good advice as i enjoy kaw so muchk tnx
  2. To lazy to write anything good on here, sorry.
  3. I've never been a pure spy b4 so I couldn't tell you of its good/fun or not. I say it's all personal preference. If you play you grow. So keep growing into the player you want to be.
  4. Being spy / hansel is fun.
  5. Id hope so
  6. Why don't you start by telling us what research you've done about the pros and cons of different builds?
  7. I think you need more spy... But I'm a noob don't mind me if I'm wrong.
  8. i actually i have no idea about pros and cons of any build for dat matter i just got my 120 days award about 2 weeks ago so ive only been playing just about 4months. i first started playing with a mentality of the best defense is offense
  9. Have you had a chance to read through the war sticky guides? There are only two of them.
  10. no not really so ill get on to reading dat then
  11. Cf cursed foundry
  12. war is hybrid ? Like half atk build half spy build id do a bit of research in dat then
  13. Sf level 4 ?
  14. sf is subteranean factory
  15. I think they mean what level the building is.
  16. I think it's important that each person fits with their build. You can war efficiently with any build, but not every person can war. Its all about your skill level with your build.

    I would suggest checking out meisha's stickied guide to out of system war and wulf's stickied guide to system wars (both in strategy) and getting a feel for what you want to be :)
  17. Id say your spy needs to go up, as any hansel with just over your spy def could help strip you easily. Aslong as you were not " defender too strong "
  18. Im no expert but in war hybrids usually get smashed on spy and smashed on attack. But I'm not sure so correct me if I'm wrong