mutual cf with Chaotic Pride??

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _l3ad__-gURu-___MaCHiNE_______, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Hello fellow neighbors of KaWlala here again. I know, roll ur eyes and get the pop corn again. Lol jks

    I'm making this thread to reach out to the clan Chaotic Pride. We are currently in osw with them for the following reason.

    Last week a few WoF members retired and for two days before we did nothing but farm and play wc roulette. Good times right? No foul no harm. Well so not the case. One of CP members or sub clan members fell victim to our antics. Boo hoo I know.
    Anyways we retired and WoF had became a grave yard. Then a couple days ago on a unmentionable third party app a couple friends had told me about Chaotic Pride's clan page which read..

    "osw- victory over WoF" or something along those lines.

    Let me clarify there never was a war with that clan. Therefore they cannot be victorious. When I heard the news I was mad and wondering what the hell was going on. As we a few others who had retired. So we all came back to KaW to defend Our clan. I sent Eblord a pm telling him/ her that try had 48 hours to make an apology thread for what they put on their clan page. Their exact words were.. "**** off" having read that and knowing where things would be going fast I told them I told them that they had 24 hours to make the requested thread and to chose their next words wisely. The rest of the convo was nasty and quite insulting to the female gender. So we jumped right into osw. And WoF was alive again!! With a few new members and old friends we have been warring for a few days now and just completed a 60 bil strip in a few hours yesterday. Not a lot I know but not bad for my clans size. In the middle of which eblord tried to tell me I couldn't bring in outsiders.seriously? Like we are dumb enough to keep banks in the clan?? Wow. When I logged on today I a few WoF members started to tell me about eblord among a couple others from Chaotic Pride wanting a mutual cf....

    Um what..?

    They are finally getting the osw they apparently wanted and now they want a cf??

    The cf terms have not and will not changed. We have not been chasing runners and will not unless they hit from outside. To sum this up my answer to their request of a mutual cf is as follows..

    Kiss my ass. U know what needs to be done to make this all go away. Until then we will continue to burn all ur pots and strip u naked. One after another for as long as it takes.

    I left out the names and convos with outside clans and their members out of respect for them stepping back and letting Chaotic Pride fight their own battle.

    Mutual cf - DENIED
  2. Wow, you are feisty. Didn't know you left, but good to see you back. :)
  3. Lala I think it was I that hit CP in wc 
  4. Woohoo go WoF!!!
  5. Good ole lala
  6. love it
  7. God she's back again
  8. Lol support. WoF never stops warring
  9. Support, you go girl!
  10. I see you farmed them then went into retirement. They beat on your clan that was a skeleton and thought they bested you into submission. You came out retirement to trash talk and whoop them into submission. Cool. Wow
  11. @Yak

    There never was a war. Just a few hits from one member during roulette. They claimed victory in a war that never occurred 
  12. Way to play both side yak lol
  13. No yak it was a retirement party for a farming/war clan. What u people think we would have eb'ed our asses into retirement?? I think not.
  14. Wow this is very well written, I dare say.
  15. Lala, stop retiring noob u know u can't say away
  16. Easy easy . Glad to see kaw retirements end so fast. Welcome back have fun. If I'm overly sarcastic with my first post then blame it on Mondays. I hate Mondays.
  17. You left the part out where he said wanna come out of retirement and try again
  18. Ur right Cor I did. I will clean the spam off my wall and it can be read there.