Multiple Accounts/Build Swap

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LHL_LegendaryLocado_LHL, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Ive had this idea for a while, so i thought id see what the kawmunity has to say about it.
    What if we could have multiple accounts on one device? Managing alts would be much easier if we could go to settings, accounts, then switch back and forth between accounts. Of course you could only have two or three accounts per device, but it would be easier for those of us who have alts, but cant always be at a computer.
    My other idea was to have two builds. Now before you start freeking out, ive actually thought this through a lot.
    In KaW, you are either an ee person or a eb person. War builds aren't necessarily good for ebs, and war clans wont even take u without towers, which arent good for ebs. So what if there was a way to have both?
    After you get to hl, maybe the 15th land, there would be a button somewhere that would open to an "alternate dimension" where you had lands without buildings on it. You would keep any open lands, but all of your buildings would be gone.
    With all these empty lands, it would allow for people to have a war build and an eb build, or a hansel build and an attack build on the same account. Yes you would be spending lots of in game money, but then devs would get money from xtals and seals. It also would encourage us "eb fairies" to get a war build, getting more people and clans involved in war, resulting in better match ups, and xtal sales for devs.
    Please let me know if you have changes that could be made, but i think its a pretty good idea if i dont say so myself
  2. Awsome idea buddy i support u
  3. Won't happen. Multiple devices are required because it's not fair to the people who have spent money on them to have an alt vs a player given alts on the same device.

    Now to the alternate build, it is interesting HOWEVER you chose the build you want... Attack hansel mix or spy... Or turtle... You shouldn't be given 2... You made your decision based on how YOU play... If you war, have a war build if you EB have a mix build... If you do haunts have a hansel...
  4. I get what your saying with the build. But the whole point of this is so that you can do war and eb without having alts, while still having good builds for both scenarios
  5. Both ideas are great
  6. I think managing alts off one device is a great idea. Now that ATA has the option to register accounts with them there shouldn't be a major problem with being able to game the system that way. The problem I see is if someone owns 6 devices (yes some do) how many additional alts can they create? I would limit 2 accounts tied to PC/idevice that are both registered with ATA to avoid exploits. Just my two cents. I support as my alt would get more kaw time for sure this way.
  7. Thanks death. Linking alts with ata acount and limiting accounts is a great idea. Never thought of using ata accounts.
  8. I was thinking something like a storage bin where u can store building u already got so u can switch from War mode to EB mode. Like u can hold 10 buildings in it. U click on the building u have out and have an option to switch with what u have in storage
  9. The rule is one account per person, all alts that one has are actually illegal
  10. Great ideas, although I don't think devs will be able to link 2 accounts to one device, full support on the second idea!
    - Scorpion
  11. I like the part about having the war build and eb build. If like to switch builds when I want to war so I support. However I think this can be abused because then a lot of people can have war and eb builds and then many people Wil have no room for war and all.