Multiple account use to same mobile

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Sean_TDT, Sep 30, 2015.

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  1. so, kaw is growing to much , lots of people useing kaw and more coming , and few will use multiple account same time at pc but its not allowing mobile. when mobile only 1acc . but as a player of kaw i want to use all my money to all my acc , its not possible in pc no paypal suport inmany country but in google wallet support it. i want to inform kaw communitny to unloack this policy 1 mobile 1 account . i dont know what about all you guys thinking but in the mordern day game populality it need to do it. hope kaw community and ATA team discuse about this matter and unloack this policy and open multiple accound use in mobile . thank you .
  2.  it's been addresssed many times before. You can use mult accts on one device but each acct has to be active on a different browser. Each account has to be attached to a different device (that hasn't changed) , link each device to PC ...apparently this is so people won't have an unfair advantage in OSW/PVP

  3. It's against Terms of Money in My Wallet and you can get banned for it.
  4. If open it will help who crazy about thus game but against the money ussue
  5. Noooooooooooooo

    Bad idea
  6. You can. If you signed up to beta test. Otherwise get rekt
  7. I support this idea. I have alts and would like it if I can switch accounts on my phone. I don't always have my laptop, tablet, iPods. With the current way things are I feel I favor one account over the others when I'd like to grow them all at same time.

    I don't see how this is an issue. Yes it's been addressed in the past but if ppl like myself still don't know why then maybe the explanations as to why should be more clearer.
  8. Just to clear this up.

    It's one account per DEVICE (including PC), that's device, not browser.

    Anything more and you are breaking the ToS if they choose to enforce it.
  9. This was previously the case, but if you check the Terms of Use, it has been partly updated. You may now have more than one PC device, but it's use must be legitament, and not be used under false/malicious pretenses. Since reset bombs are disabled, still not really useful though imho, unless you want another account. :)

    You can use Puffin browser to login another account straight on your device.
  10. Unless the part about mobile devices has been updated too, or you have a computer to normally use the other account on then no you can't. A different browser doesn't count as a different device
  11. YA i like this i have few account but in my country only google play card support. In pc payment its not support on google payment . I want to grow my alt also . Just unlock it for multiple use . . 
  12. Which country would that be? :lol:

    A debit card / CC can be used for play store purchases almost anywhere. In India too. 
  13. Firstly, I dont get why you sent this witha statless account but okay
    I think this idea is good as we already can access multiple accounts on mobile devices with (insert third party app here)
    It would just be more conveinient if devs implemented this idea
  14. Chaos isn't the 1st mod to say this in a forums thread before like I said earlier ...been thru this before
  15. What method of payments does pc offer? Cause thats what this is about, right?

    You want to, in a way, buy one google play card and redeem it on your google play account, but your pc cant use your play account to buy stuff?
  16. So we can use Firefox puffin dolphin flash fox and photon browser? Sweet on same device nice
  17. So you are telling us this because circumventing the tou's policy '1 account per device rule' is acceptable?

    Or am i missing something?
  18. You mean here? If you can show us where it says that, or a copy of a response from support to show this, I'll believe you.
  19. Pc browser unlock multiple account use and also mobile browser who support flash also support . so why not Kaw app? I think its should be open .
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