Multi Rooms War System

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MP__II_S0uL_II__, May 18, 2013.

  1. Hi all, I got idea about maybe interesting war system and how to deal with All-stars wars.

    Off course ee-wars could remain in rancor format .

    There could be war rooms for 200-1000 kaw players / room.
    Will be more rooms and ppl will be added randomly to room.

    Room WAR start only if got minimum memebrs = or could two rooms with lower ppl NUMBERS joined together

    If you join, you have to stay 4-24 hours (could be property of room or same for all).

    If you join you can't leave till end. or rejoin possible, but you lose your result = how to deal with this?

    How will system work?
    You join room and at specific time start war all vs all players in room with ee-KO system.

    You could make alliances inside room or cooperate with ppl you know or are friends.

    The room will have war list where all will know who is top players .... who gets more mith or rewards ... so good reason KO top ppl

    idk about xtaling ... about this could be voted or could be different rooms, with different properties

    - all kaw ppl could join to room
    - cooperation and teamwork possible
    - issues could bring new osws into kaw
    - FUN

    for devs: there could be potential problem with alts and inactives inside room ... how to deal with this is question to solve
    = KO low plunderers should get very small reward
    there should be checking exploits

    But maybe could be good system how to do all-starts wars .....
  2. One more idea: ppl could stay In clans and join rooms directly (their ally chat will be room chat with reporting KO), ppl will know from which clan they fight .... Maybe max ppl from one clan in room

    or ppl will leave clans and join rooms (same as all-stars clans Harbrigens or xxxxx)
  3. This reminds me very much of a poker game on Facebook lol
  4. hehe piggy

    One more idea: inside rooms could be predesigned COLOR TEAMS with about 20-30 ppl; you will be randomly added to team and teams will compete against each other = 3 best teams got rewards at the end; devs could make system based on power how to add ppl into teams ....
  5. Interesting enough, with more thought into it with help from the devs. Could be a fun skirmish teaming up with random players to test skills and earn rep. 
  6. Love this, could do with some tweaking.

  7. Yeah but what happens if two friends are sided against each other and they decide to **** it for everyone because they're lame.
  8. Sounds fun, similar to the hungergame. However it probably lasts to long, i am not sure how many ppl could spend that much time on a game without rl interfering
  9. Never heard of an osw poppie 

    Needs work but support
  10. Not a bad idea. Could use some tweaking but support 
  11. Ty for support guys ... I think devs still don't know how to do all-star wars;
    btw I don't think that all-star wars could be based on prestige clans ... coz in all clans are ppl who are really good and ppl who just sit and get rewards or the worst they inactive or less active
  12. I like the idea :) support
  13. Nice idea, support.
  14. Support 
  15. I don't like ANY idea that involves messing with Ally chat
  16. lol you really love ally chat