Mssg to the devs about EE and mith payout

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MaG-Deadpool-iC, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. You wont find me much on forums, mostly thats for noobs or people who like attention too much. But in this case I will post an open message to the devs.

    Yes dear devs you did a great job with EE. Bringing wars back in this game, I love it. As it was also smart to make the adjustment to add new items that only can b bought with mith. This makes many people decide to war.

    But exactly that is where my problem is: the mith payout. I joined EE almost every weekend since it was brought in the game. If u r lucky (skilled?) you win the war and in average you win like 30 maybe 40 mith.

    You devs will release 12 new items. Looking at the first ones you released, the cost of enchanting (and the fails) I make a wild but calculated guess you need like 3000-4000 mith to buy all items and fully enchant them. That means over 100 (!) won wars. That will cost a normal human maybe two years of doing EE every weekend.

    Dear devs. I urge you to increase the mith payout drastically. This could never have been your intention.

    Let the trolling start 
  2. haha je hebt gelijk damichh ... i agree EE's should deliver more miths and equal splitted like if the clan wins ur clan gets lets say 5k mithril and equally divined by all the players
  3. Approved, what makes it worse is that there is a cap on the amount of mith u can purchase
  4. I agree here I tend to war as much as possible but no matter how much I had saved I could only buy one piece of equipment to lvl 5
  5. Didnt read past your opening sentence. If you expect to have respect, then respect your audience (forumers).

    We arent noobs, and we arent all attention seeking bitches.
  6. Mith payouts are no incentive to war and IF you are fortunate enough to escape a mismatch or be on a winning side, what you receive in mith is not worth the outlay let alone saving mith for Paladin equipment or enchanting taking into consideration the fail ratio. This has to be addressed.

    Support 
  7. The mith payout is fine.

    I know that some players would love to get all the items right away and max them out fast, but there is no satisfaction in making things so laughably easy.

    Having the mith pay out/item Price ratio set where it is ensures that Players have something to strive for. The price point ensures that you will have things to do for a long time.

    Easy games are boring.

    KaW is fun
  8. and damn hard! :lol:
  9. Not making it easy is one thing but making it nigh on impossible to many isn't helping either. I am sure many more would be able to join in with the Estoc Wars if mith random sales were reintroduced at least!
  10. Random mith sales would mean that players like my self would just dump a few trillion into the market and max every thing out immediately.

    Mith sales support the elite and have no value for the ordinary player
  11. I know that large accounts find getting mith easier than most but the current set up is having an adverse affect for many players that the devs did not anticipate. Perhaps mith sale but adjusted amounts able to be bought dependent upon your build?

    I don't know the answer but surely something needs to be done as the current mith situation is a joke for many dedicated kawers. The new equipment is out of reach to too many. Enchanting difficult. Mith earned through wars selective to those that have a win. If everyone who participated in war at least got the mith they laid out back it would help with winning clans earning extra? And more would be encouraged to participate in war rather than watching their depleting stock of mith go down and down and becoming ever more disillusioned with the game.

    I am in favour of wars! I want more kawers to be encouraged to war not discouraged. 
  12. Moose. I very much disagree with you although I understand what you are trying to say.

    I don't think they should allow mith to be purchased other than what is already enabled. I think that part is fine.

    Where I think the devs (and you) are terribly mistaken is the point at which people say 'screw it...the effort put in isn't worth the mith payout and the cost of these items are outrageous'. I believe strongly that is where most people are and will continue to be...therefore participation will eventually dwindle to nothing in the not so distant future.

    I get that devs are attempting to make a 'longer term' goal for all players. I get that. It's smart. And was needed. But you've grossly miscalculated the patience of people who war and grossly underestimated the time and energy that goes into organizing the war.

    Mith payout is a slap in the face and ridiculously low. I have no idea how you can say it's good.

    One last point...the truth of the matter is that most people who have played kaw for a while probably don't WANT to see themselves playing kaw 2-3 years from now lol. So in many ways you are accelerating the retirement of many kawers. You gotta keep it more short term with respect to 'reward'.

    Just some food for thought....
  13. I have to say I agree with hatf1eld 
  14. Hat:
    We disagree, but I will respect your viewpoint as well as that of the OP, because what we are discussing here is what's called "Price point" economics, and that is a topic that is not black or white, but instead lands in shades of grey.

    I like where the price point is set, but others may want more mith. It's understandable.

    The fact you WANT more mith is actually a good thing. A clever game always leaves the player wanting for a little more. That's why we click in this app every day 
  15. Who the hell*
  16. It's me. Moose.

    I got bored so I am temporarily taking on a new name 
  17. How about you add a way to bet mithril on your war besides casting spells. Ie I think I will win this war so I bet 50mithril, we win I get 100 on top of my normal payout
  18. Im in the same boat.
    Purchased some of new equip. Saved 100 mith for wars/osw and now im down to 17.
    I participated in to many of the devs trials for EE wars. Should have paced myself.

    I wouldnt trade the EE wars experiences but at the moment im only not at 6 miths thanks to an Mwar last week that supplied me with 17 mith.

    Got addicted to those Mith sales.
  19. I spent all 1000 mith i had, now ive saved up to 100. Thats the lowest ill go.
  20. U horse feather/ moose/ Mr. Mod.... U r joking when u say the payout is sufficient... Right? With this kind of payout u r forcing players out of this game. I know two dedicate players who had been playing this game for over 2 years left recently and more will follow that pattern. Devs need to address following concern that is currently plaguing the community
    1. Fix payouts- Check out our first three wars( milthril amount was good but devs reduced it)
    2. Fix matchmaking- reduce clan number req to 20 or 25 to Max of 35-40. This will lead to better match based on numbers and strength as more clans participate.
    3. Lag- upgrade ur hardware.
    4. Opt in vs Opt Out for war
    5. STOP USING US AS UR LAB RATS. We dump real money because of the design of ESTOC wars. A good business will always take care of its customers to ensure loyalty but may be u guys need to go back to school as u r doing the total opposite. You are pissing on us without even calling it rain.

    Oh last thing ..., MOOSE AND WULF STOP BEING DEVS KISSASS. Man up and acknowledge community's concerns( that's y u r a mod... Not to suck up to someone)

    That ends my rant