Mr Arby's OSW Center

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sighmin-Templar-the-Arbiter, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. I was reading Metals 1v1 center thread,and I thought to myself hey,why not a thread for clan OSWs.So I'm here to give you all a place to make OSWs for your clan,and for the low low price of 400 million I'll find a clan for you to OSW with. I ask that you have respect for the clans you choose to do this with,or else it could turn ugly:3.

    (note doing this can result in massive strip farming,failing eb after eb,nooblets whining,and implosive vomiting after laughing to much)
  2. Sooooo hard to read on pc...
  3. Noo... Just no noob
  4. Or they can choose any clan themselves, since OSW only requires one willing side
  5. Lame, no support
  6. I mean it as a friendly OSW system,if like people want to war but are not total farmers.
  7. Find ppl clans to osw with  good one, now go away
  8. Osw needs a reason. Not a sign up. Thats what system war is for.
  9. Sorry? We have to pay to get into an OSW? Why not just farm noobs and piss their clan off? Like your clan...
  10. Friendly osw is kinda an oxymoron 
  11. Dude seriously,it was meant as you post here and a clan fights with you,it's not meant for farmers.
  12. This has actually made me laugh
  13. You should have made the original message more clear arby.
  14. Omg... Iv heard it all
  15. Look,I get it's an oxymoron but having it friendly does have benefits,like OSWing with regulators and not having their entire family destroy you,see where im coming from now?
  16. Friendly and osw dont go together
  17. nice post you got here but just finish the eb please
  18. Regulators don't need whole family to destroy you