MP and Wars?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Solivagant, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Hi Kaw! I have a question I've been wondering about.

    I know I'm not a big account, but I was wanting to ask about max plunder as the title suggests.

    Anyway, for such a small account, how do I calculate my max plunder? Is it still cs*5,500?

    If so, what about when you get to millions of cs?

    Let's say you have 9,060,366 cs!

    So: 9,060,366 cs * 5,500 = 49,832,013,000 MP.??

    Do you really need that much? More? Less?

    I'm looking to war. I know I'm not a big account, but for future reference, what are the requirements? Are there different types of wars? What do they offer? Pros/Cons?

    Any tips? Any warnings? Precautions to take? How to follow WC with all their numbers and stuff? Mechanics?


    P.S. I couldn't find Dillybar's thread and it tends to get lots of answers everytime it is active, so sorry for not posting there. :? Any help is appreciated.
  2. You should only need 30b ally for mp
  3. With the example I set?

    How do you calculate we only need a 30 bil ally?
  4. Your exact MP can't be calculated from your CS as a whole figure, because some buildings have higher MP values than others, and towers contribute none at all.
  5. Because even the biggest players' plunder bonus stops increasing with allies above 30b, roughly.
  6. So lets say I buy a 30 bill ally, even if I grow, I no longer need another ally except the one I bought?

    If I do buy another ally and I already have a 30bil ally, I'm basically just wasting my money?
  7. ^Ever heard of bfa?
  8. Correct. A 30bil ally should keep you at max plunder. Remember, MP is capped.

    You can always test for yourself. Take a target, an EB or a player, doesn't matter. Hit them at max troops, take note of your plunder from allies bonus. Hire an ally, then hit again at max troops. If the plunder bonus increases, you aren't at MP. If it stays constant, you are at MP.

    You don't *need* to be at max troops each time but from a scientific perspective it's a control variable.

    Wasting your money? That's your opinion. There are other benefits to holding allies. Bonus From Allies, though it'll be minimal at low costs. Just holding more wealth locked in allies. Making you more difficult to strip.
  9. Bonus from allies?
  10. Thankyou :)
  11. Code:
    Now, does anyone have any answers to my second question? I really want to war. Mechanics?
  12. If you have allies you receive a slight atk and def bonus.
    Have several large allies and you have great phantom stats.
  13. Bonus from allies is a bonus to your attack calculated when you hit a target - it doesn't show on your own stats.

    If you look at a players stats as visible to you, and multiply by 0.02, that's the real bonus you get to your stats when attacking. So you have to have lots of/very power allies to have a tangible bonus.

    EG; a player with 1,000,000 Attack Stat will give you an extra 20,000 attack - which isn't much!
  14. Realistically you're far too small to war at the moment. I'm not sure where the lowest tier starts roughly but you'll need to grow significantly.

    There are different types of war - and others will be able to advise you better on those.

    Build wise, it depends what you want to do - but either way you'll want defence and spy defence towers in the long run. Don't build any yet - they'll be wasted on your size.
  15. ^Long story short, a lot of grinding if you plan to war.
  16. I have a main that I used long ago, I'll have to look through my notes to find its password.

    That example I put was that stats of my ex-main. So would that be enough?

    They had:
    Att: 2,359,860
    Def: 2,294,586

    Att: 2,202,960
    Def: 2,202,960
  17. You would leak gold considerably as you had no towers either defence star, so any player weighted in either would be able to win from you in their respective area, be it attacks or steals.

    Obviously potions help but towers are supreme.

    I'm not expert on hybrid builds but it's better not to go 50/50 I believe, better to weigh one way or the other. Hansel builds are popular.
  18. Actually with HF and new lands max plunder is twice at least 50b..i thought 30b as well and hired new ally today and my plunder increased 25mill per hit on hte lol
  19. There you go, updated info. :)