Most money producing build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -i0S-, Apr 15, 2010.

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  1. I am wondering what is the best build to have in order to make the most money in the game of KaW. Please post replies below and if you do then I thank you.
  2. Hansel build
  3. What is the hansel build
  4. Hansel build is not most money making build...
    I can
    make 120-200mil on full troops
  5. Well then what is your build boomboom
  6. Boomboom I make 150-200mil as hansel ;) with full troops
  7. Full melée is awsome... Get all subs lv3 and get a 2.2 bil ally.... 10m a HIT
  8. My build. 24 subs. I make about 17-19 mil every 5 minutes.
  9. I think I'm going to go with the hansel build but thanks anyways
  10. Umm... Ender47 what's ur plunder?
  11. Hansel build was the best until the t3 plunder was upped. Now atk build is better, but only if you have farms that are open a lot.
  12. Runny I have a farm but I need more land and more T3s... One question:
    If all your builds are subs lv.3 and you have a 2.2 bil ally what's your plunder?
  13. 24 t3l3s currently gives the most plunder bonus (7,776,000 bonus). However, Hansel's (originating from Emeth actually) gets the quickest LC giving around 5,112,000 gold bonus without having to buy the expensive t3l3s.
  14. He was asking about making money, not getting to LC. Different things.

    The problem with all T3s is having the right farm to keep max plunder while minimizing troop loss. If you losemore than minimal troops you are making less money per hour.

    In order to make all T3s work, you need a lot more than the suggested 3b in allies if you want to max your income.

    My suggestion would be to slowly convert guilds to T3s as you increase your ally investment and watch you plunder and troop burn carefully as you progress.
  15. What are the buildings in the hansel build?
  16. It is one forge and 23 level 3 guilds.
  17. 1 lvl 3 Sub
    23 lvl 4 Guilds
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