Most Efficient Beginner Build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IllIIlIISWiNDLERIIlIlIll, May 25, 2016.

  1. What is it? All beastiary's?
  2. Stables
  3. 1 stable and all the towers
  4. I'm being serious, idiots
  5. So am I, moron..
  6. Well I mean then build complete is the most efficient.
  7. Read title "beginner"
  8. There are a couple forums for new players just starting, try the search button :)
  9. WTF? ...someone gonna make one of these daily now?

  10. If you repeatedly build and destroy 5 SOS's at a time you get extra gold and stats.
  11. I'm on my second day I'm finding forges and guilds worked well for me. Started with 2 rows of guilds and the rest forges when I upgraded them all to level 3 I converted the rows of forges to 3 sub factories (level 3) and everything else to level 4 guilds. I use a mithril to insure I can compete in all the group missions (clan advised me to buy 6 when I was small and weak so it cost less)
    I'm now converting 2 of my my subs to level 2 hatchery and the other one to a guild.

    Also make sure you have a really expensive ally this makes you earn more money like a lot more! Took me a bit to figure out it isn't the amount of allies you have but the value
  12. u must be primes alt or slave. U follow him everywhere
  13. Indeed.
  14. I would ensure you have at least one balanced building too - extra 2 attacks per full unload

  15. "5" need a minimum of "5" accts. (preferably all on Apple products)

  16. Id build one attack building rest towers then you will never lose in pvp!

  17. See, even this person knows..
  18. 1 stable 1 guild 11 spy towers 11 defence towers
  19. Nothing wrong with beig a slave can cause some hot moments you know