More $$ per hit on EB?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by treven, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. How do i get more money per hit on EB's...what do i need to build??
  2. 
  3. If you build lv4 guilds your plunder will rocket like apollo 11
  4. Build attack builds, and make shure your max plunder.
  5. What about strongholds?
  6. no strongholds decrease your plunder
  7. Also ask a mod to delete one of your thread you made a double post.
  8. Workshops are good.
  9. Strongholds only decrease plunder if taking down a another building, if building on open land plunder will still increase, though not as much as a guild.
  10. Get too max plunder
  11. Estocs edge. Go win a war
  12. Why is a building called a "building" when its already built?
  13. You guys are trolls... Build more stables bud XD
  14. Get an EE lvl 5 w/ a T5 HLBC account