more info on making friends

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -WoWcHiLd-, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. friends r very important

    To make friends u could just follow random ppl(that would b newbish) The better way is to find ppl who r board on wc or who post something about wall art.U can easily start a conversation.
    1.say something that happened in ur day (but always start with hi and wait for a reply)
    2.say something u hate (but don't b racist)
    3.giv a compliment
    4.comment on their profile such as status message or allies (but don't call them a newb)
    5.say something random

    Wen u get a friend don't giv away personal info and don't ask for their info

    Never start a conversation then go to do something else. That will make them think ur a jerk. Giv them info and clans and never ever act inappropriately . Remember your manners and don't insult them

    I hope this helped. If u used this guide PLZ post a thnx here.

    My other guides
    1)wut about pwars
    2)Shortened tips on growing
  2. no.... just no.....
  3. Your threads are stuuuuupid 
  4. Oh I didn't see the racist part and now I'm being farmed! :p
  5. Lmao
  6. Y do ppl only choose to b negative on forums. Jerks
  7. We are only rip on lame threads! Sorry.
  8. this has happened to every one of my freakin forums4 in all
  9. I might have an opinion of this guide if I could read it.
  10. *threads not forums
  11. How bout this. Go make ACTUAL friends in REAL LIFE.
  12. idont even kno y u bothered making this guide........the stupidest idiot in the world could have a friend...someone whos a little less stupid than him
  13. The problem here is that you suck. Try being less crappy and you'll have a better result!
  14. U guys suck. U only made this cause I wus board
  15. Sry I only made this. Typo
  16. You only made this thread because you were bored. I only trolled this thread because it stinks.
  17. So we are we are even!
  18. Yay someone actually used it