More Events Like The Skulls one

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -X-Death-X-, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. Hi, I've made this post because I and a couple of others I have spoken to think we should have more events like the Bandit skulls one. So please put your reasons for or against below. Thank you

    Please Note this was written at 2:11 in the morning so any spelling mistakes I have made I am truthfully sorry for, Thank you
  2. I agree, tripled my cs after rewards
  3. First off, NO MORE EVENTS until season 5 is released.

    Secondly, tripling your CS in one event is NOT A GOOD THING. Destroying the natural growth of an mmo is NEVER a good thing, ESPECIALLY when it's PAY TO WIN. The more money in xtals & seals you throw at the event, the more you gain at the end. NOTHING is good about that.

    Further increase the pay of normal ebs & allow people to grow at a steady pace. Stop destroying the game further & further with pay to grow nonsense.
  4. You don't have to pay to win. You could just hardcore grind to win
  5. I like the long grind and the subsequent large reward
  6. Serious question what game are on about ? Id like to play to win that kind of game where hardcore playing actually allows you to win.
  7. I totally agree with what your saying but if no money is spent on this game it will be shut down so spending money on events can be good and if one person can triple there stats in an event so can others, so you won't be charging ahead you'll be moving up at the same pace as everyone else- apart from anyone that spends money on the game, but that helps in its own way by supporting KaW so developers can update it and bring in harder ebs, more items more quests etc.

    ^Im not sure if that makes sense but you can probably tell I'm pretty tired
  8. Agree and support. I grew so much after that event. It was also pretty fun.

  9. This dude lives in a dream world.
  10. I thought it was great. The bracers are awesome. We cycled t1 t3 ebs and all active players got something.
    And by the way, not everyone wins the top prize and not everyone gets a trophy,
  11. If u can triple your cs without spending much..So That brings us to a place where the top spenders or LB players Can increase their Strength 3x too..That creates an never ending gap between LB Players & Players That cant pay very very huge ammount of money to grow..

    Inflation As You say is caused by these Pay To Win Events

    We Need More Events Like This But If No Xtal Usage & Hte Are there to drop extra items..Those Will be the best events which show the capability of how well a player isat the game not of how well he can spend on it to win..
    Hope You Understand
  12. I also enjoyed the event. I got 2700 skulls and thought the rewards were much higher in value than fangs or moths or other events.
    No pvp for me, just a great clan with a thought out eb rotation for the entirety of it.
    You don't have to pay to get free stuff. You just need an organized clan.
  13. No. The Hive event was far better, I'd like to see that one brought back.
  14. Thanks for your point and I do understand
  15. Lol forgot about hives. Fangs and moths are burnt in my mind because or weeks of NML 
  16. These aren't pay to win unless you demand that you are entitled to be lb.
  17. bring on season 5 and the rewards of event were rly good...too good. And I don't reccomend putting both Pvp and Pve in one event, keep them separated.
  18. I say get rid of hte
  19. if u arent on the win lb how can u say that u win ?

    these events are pay to win because not a single person in top100 secured his place without paying for htes or xtals..
  20. true..i agree

    But Take Away Htes Only During Any sorts of events or promos..
    No Hte In Events..No Hte Promos..

    because the devs need to make money let htes be active during non event phase