more detail

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ---MAT---, May 18, 2013.

  1. I don't know if a thread has been done bout this, or has it ever been brought up, but what about more detail in ee war stats, all we get at the moment is,
    Successful actions:
    Knockouts won/lost:

    What about a bit more, maybe something like

    Successful actions for/against: attack: #/# steal: #/#
    Scout: #/# assassinate: #/#
    Knockouts: won/lost: ko/sko
    This is really ugly, I know, but I hope you get my meaning, feel free to play about with it, thanks
  2. Support. If you're saying that it should be implemented.
  3. Support, why not? not sure whether we should know the spy att.
  4. Implemented would be great, just seeing what ppl think....
  5. Ugly matar 
    What about failed actions. Had people complaining about me in cc saying I wasn't active and they should strip farm me whilst I was on
  6. Yeah, could throw that in there somewhere to,
  7. Maybe keep all the layout the same and then have an button that opens up the whole section of actions, including SKO and failed and each hit.
  8. Support but devs have said they're not doing anything to estoc wars this season :D
  9. Only a week left, maybe something for next season
  10. I like numbers and stats and metrics. Would help with clan management/assigning blame () after a War. Would eliminate arguments about low number of successful actions for players assigned to take down a bigger target through fails. Also, with all the work put into this War system, why not give us a stat breakdown on the back end? Support.
  11. I agree, I would like to see this implemented into the war system :) I also think that having a section on everybody's profile saying How many knockouts they've had and how many times they've been knocked out would be a good idea ;)
  12. I'd like to see the KO and SKO broken out.
  13. I'd like to see more info on match ups . When you get a match up at your clans rank goes like this 21/40 with 25 players vs 20/40 with 28 players... Wouldn't you like to know who was 22/40 and 19/40 and how many players they had?? I would. Somehow though I think the devs wouldn't like us to know that information lol.... 
  14. Support  great idea
  15. Bigtime support matar!
  16. Support sticky, 
  17. Thanks skippy
  18. And what about xstall usage, we always seem to be discussing it