Monthly or Bi-Monthly PSA

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kezzer, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Who here remembers the timeline that was released a while back? Do you remember how nice it was to have an idea in what was on the way or could potentially be released in the future? Well as the title suggests I am requesting that the devs and community representatives produce a PSA (Public Service Announcement) on a regular basis to let us, the community know what to expect in the near future and to keep us informed on any changes/updates.

    In a community where I used to help run a moderation team a couple years ago we too decided to release a regular PSA and honestly it kept the community far more in touch with what was going on which not only improved community relations with the staff team, it also allowed us to receive feedback on upcoming features before they were fully implemented in order to get an idea of what the community wanted.

    The great thing about the PSA is it can also be written by more than just a single person. A few examples of what we can expect in the PSA below

    • Developers: Upcoming updates, bug fixes and maintenance updates.
    • Community representatives: Event news, changes in policies, changes in moderation team, upcoming competitions etc.
    • Moderators: Moderation stories and tips on becoming a moderator.
    • Well known community members (forums and in game): Information about different aspects of the game from their perspective, player interviews and other information.

    Those are just a few examples and obviously there are going to be more things that each type of player can write about. Even topics such as new/updated guides can be added to the PSA or thread of the month can be added in order to motivate people to continue to use the forums which is a key part of the game.

    How often do you see people complaining that they don't get chance to make their voice heard in the community or that they feel that the devs just do as they please and never let the community in on what's going on?

    This would be an ideal way for the devs keep us up to date in a similar way to the timeline without the need to set goals that are so far away that they are not relevant in the current day.

    If you guys have any feedback or changes you would make then please post it below :)
  2. I'd welcome that
  3. Sounds like a good idea to me :)
  4. Don't eat yellow snow
  5. I do feel like ATA could do a little better at keeping us players in the loop and letting us know whats going on. Would be a nice thing to have for new and old players. Support
  6. Good idea,

    I'd also like to see more votes, like the one we had with the clan tittle names.
    Many feel the kaw community's views and opinions are not being represented, forwarded or listened to.
    It would be nice to see by vote that decisions and choices to improve the game are decided by us the players.
  7. Kezzer, I remember that and would be awesome to see it implemented again, good reminder and post :)
  8. This is a really good idea, it'll improve the interaction between ATA and the players, hopefully increase forum activity, and let players know more about what ATA is working with! Support! :)
  9. Sounds good. Hopefully it will help appease the kawers who are constantly screaming, "The end is nigh!!!"
  10. Yaaassssss

    This would honestly solve a lot of "no communication" issues. Generally a great idea. Like a kaw news weekly post #JustLikeCNN
  11. Sounds good to me ️
  12. Yup. Hence my 'what's next KAW' forum post a couple months back. Give us some communication on where this game is going, even if it's vague plans on the drawing board.

    Dang, that post was back on September 22. Huh. Time flies when you're playing KAW apparently.
  13. Good idea. I definitely believe greater dev interaction and communication is needed and could help a great deal. If players could review updates before they were released, it'd give chance for feedback and for tweaks before the actual release.
  14. Sounds great in theory. The problem was individuals would cry if some aspects changed or delayed. Devs wont open that can of worms again
  15. That's the main downside to this. Players will complain if an upcoming feature is mentioned that they want one way and it's done another or if a feature is scrapped. I would imagine scrapping a feature wouldn't happen on a PSA honestly as it's not like the timeline where it's a future development point. If it's in the PSA it's usually nearly done and is in the final testing stages.
  16. Support, because I expect this sort of thing out of all of my phone apps.


    You people are a riot, were do you come from?
  17. Yep havent seen this in awhile I would love it for the reasons stated.
  18. I'd like a new dev team. This one clearly struggles and makes up crap to satisfy prominent game figures