Which do you find more desirable? In light of the recent boxing match, I am curious to see what kaw forum dwellers find more appealing. Sure, the champ clutched the victory, but at what cost? He knew his audience wanted 12 full rounds. Did he give his all? I didn't see a true warrior in the ring tonight - I saw a savvy businessman delivering a product to his customers. I think he was capable of so much more - a quick knockout was well within his skill and capability, but he chose to deliver a good show over a demonstration of his superiority. Are you feeling satisfied with the drawn out show, or are you disappointed that you paid good money to watch a marginal show, just good enough to deliver the show that lasted 12 rounds? I'm sure Vegas is happy. The performance delivered exactly what was expected. No surprises. No big hits. Not even a single knockdown. Are you happy about what the sport of boxing has become? The champ has no shame in admitting that he's in it for the money, but is this good for the sport? Will this affect your desire to watch future fights? Are you happy with what you spent? Talk to teh chz...
He's all about money, and I respect him for his place in business and as an athlete. You know what, 99.99% of the world couldn't even do what he did in the ring tonight.
In real amateur boxing, KOs are the rare exception, not the rule. It's inly when the goons took over the sport that it became more violent.
Did you notice something before the Unanimous decision? Floyd was so excited and confident even though the winner hasn't been announced yet. I guess this match is FIXED, Floyd knew he was gana win if he stays defensive for the whole round and buy him some time until the last round. #FixedMoneyCan'tBuyYouHappiness
It's probably less than 99.99%. He has repeatedly proven his dominance. It's never been done before. But your point is well taken
It was a fight. If it went 12, we knew Floyd would win. One guy had to be more aggressive, the other could pick his shots. I take respect over money, but I would have paid for this fight 5 years ago. Doubting a rematch, but I'd love to see it on a neutral site.
Yeah. It all seemed too perfect. Personally, I'm feeling pretty disillusioned with the sport of boxing. I'll never drop another dime on the sport unless the rules are changed.
I don't think a rematch would yield a different result, regardless of the venue. The champ is too smart for that. He'll never accept a fight he knows he can't win, which is why he hasn't fought the contender till now. He was buying time.
The best boxing I've ever seen was Mickey's matches in Snatch.. My point is along the line of Cheese.. Take this manny vs Floyd .. What we saw was what the industry wanted us to see.. What I want to see is them just going at it.. ...even if that means Floyd KO's manny in 3rd.. ... The last time top notch fighters really went at it even with all the hype.. Was the rumble in the jungle.. Most folks won't even know where Zaire is.. You can watch the "Ali Boma Ye" scene where he ran thru Kinshasa.. We as consumers need to start asking for more genuine products and experiences.. Based on our own genuine experiences and feelings...
Exactly. There's the essence of boxing - two well-trained contenders fighting their hearts out. What it has become is a race to sell the most pay per view shows. It's not even a sport any more. I don't even know what to call it at this point...
Floyd isnt a ko guy any more. Going for hits like he did a few years ago could hurt him more(his hands physically). Theres a reason his style has been reformed into what it is now. Hes one of the few that truly figures out his opponents and round by round puts it together. If you cant beat him early, there aint a chance at beating him later. As a fan, i cheered for Pac. As a betting man, i would of bet the farm on MayWeather.
Lol yeah. And i forgot to address the main topic. Money. Ive done the respect thang before. Respect doesnt keep the lights on or food in your childrens mouths.
I'm not a wealthy man (clearly), but I am, in many ways an idealist and I'm comfortable in that. I do have my misgivings, and I know I've done folks wrong, but respect begets money often. Money doesn't guarantee respect. Leadership is a sign of respect. It's not bought, and if it is, it's most often fleeting.
I didnt pay to watch anything. It costs so much to watch cuz it's all paid now like back in the older days everyone would know the world heavy weight champion but now only people that are interested in boxing are. I was tempted to watch it just to see if id like it but since it costs so much id rather not.
Ali is one of the greatest, but Floyd is undefeated. I would of used Rocky Marciano as a comparison though. Different type of fighters, but their records say it all.