money making

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by flame22, Mar 17, 2012.

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  1. This is how you make very easy money.go to a clan doing seals of deflections use them buy more use em then repeat until skeletal horde appears.ive done this and made 5 bil.
  2. Ok....

    This is how to annoy me..

    Go on forums, then make a pointless thread, wait for replies and then look pleased with yourself...
  3. Get lost viva

    I would swear but it's a 9 game
  4. Hmmm get lost...

    You see I would "get lost" but I know my area pretty well so the only way I could "get lost" is if I take a bus to London and walk blindfolded for about 5 minutes...

    But I'm not prepared to do that unless you pay the bus fee..
  5. Viva can post if he wants to. This thread is lacking info. It's only good for medium to big people. What about the newbs?
    (sorry if your a she viva)
  6. Nope you got it right Nathan..I do need to change my name tho..
  7. Pointless thread gets pointless lock
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