Money hackz!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by killjoy777, Mar 17, 2010.

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  1. Want free jaw money???

    ME TOO!!!! Lol made u look hahahahaha :) if I got u please reply XD!!!
  2. Lol I said jaw I mean kaw stupid spell checker
  3. XD I got pwned 
  4. I heard if u reset and throw ur iPod/phone in the water then u will get 100 trill every minute
  5. Chriss---it worked!!! Ty so much man
  6. Np man just doin My job tryn to help ppl
  7. Chriss really?
  8. of course not
  9. ot worked genious
  10. Wow my post now fails... Yay Chriss!!! He made the first joke of thread lol ;P
  11. Keep this on the DL but I hear that if u throw ur iPod/phone against the wall then throw it in the middle of the road, if a car runs it over then it will give u either a 45% increase attack stat bonus or a 89% def increase but shhooosh don't tell anyone it's a secret
  12. Ohh so that's how huh??? I knew there was a way.... Hmmm >.> <.< *whooooooshhh*
  13. Yeah it took me 4 iPods and 2 extended warranties to find that out but now I do and now it's all good
  14. I wish u woulda told me that BEFORE I threw my iPod across the road/in the wall... THANKG GOD for the otter box.. It's amazing
  15. Well hey thts y they call me mr. Fahrenheit
  16. Interesting...
  17. Actualy it has to be a river not lake repeat a RIvER
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