MOLES inc. tm

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlDlRIilZlZIYlIl_tHe-VALkyrIE, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. My dear kids. I want to talk you about something serious that has been talked about a lot earlier. THE MOLES!!! I want you guys to stop h4ting moles, as they are part of the Great Circle of Life and Death, they are also part of keeping the World Balance. Please, I ask you this again, stop hating the moles. They are also human being. Why would you be such a NaziMole? Nein to the Furheur. Please, love moles. Make kids with moles. Treat them with respect. Thanks.

    If you still scroll, I guess I got your attention.
  2. MOLES !!!! are the hidden saviors. The key!!!
  3. Moles are people too!!!
  4. #SendMolesBack
  5. I'm a vegan
  6. Moles 2016
    Donkeys and Elephants are not getting the job done

    Bomb ISIS training centers!!!!
  7. I ate a mole once....tasted good

  8. This meme was misused.