First Build one stable. Second Admire your castle. Third Continue until you have explored all lands. Forth Congratz to you brah, you completed the game. Ya you did it! Fifth Reset and Repeat. Yeah we do like a bit of R an R here! Thanks to myself and Jimmeh for helping me make this guide
Ebs and How to do them. First Press repeat button. Second Repeat first step, congratz you done it again brah!
Farming and how to do it Noob Style First Hit someone, Yes! Not an eb. Second Noob rage and cry and make at least 4 forum threads about how unfair it was that they hit back. Third Quit or reset and repeat Pro Style First Hit someone. Second Keep hitting Third Keep hitting until they reset/quit. Then... Repeat until you have ridded KaW of all noobs.
Third stage EB like that 16 year old whore that got As in every class because she banged all the teachers in one night :?