mods wall me

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BeastMode18, Aug 1, 2012.

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  1. Mods I need help me and my clan has being farmed by disorder clan and there friends they also are harrasing are walls so mods pls look into this at the conversations between walls
  2. Lmfao, you wall then that.
  3. Sucks for you 
  4. Lol just report it if they get alot of reports from your clan they should look in to it
  5. That's your problem op.....:lol:
  6. Looks like we might have our next target.
  7. What u mean slayorbob ur gonna farm us
  8. Lol he just made himself a bigger target
  9. Lol farming isn't harassing :lol:

    What a noob
  10. Ur saying we will never grow again and cussing us out
  11. Farming is not a form of harassment. This is a war game. Harassment would be threatening real life violence.
  12. *Laughs evilly*
    I forgot how fun this was.
  13. Op, there is nothing the moderators can do to help you and your clan with its farming issues. Unless the other clan has been posting threats, racist remarks or bypasses on your wall, it's just something you and your clan are going to have to deal with on their own.
  14. Yep it's true mod should just lock it
  15. Bling that's not harassment.... 0_o
  16. … Forum won't help you. The majority of the forum community is made up of people who love war and support farming 100%.

  17. The mods can't do anything about farming that's the basic point of the game.
    The social side and friendly nature of clan building is an add on.
    What the mods can look at is if there is any abuse on your Walls but be warned if you have returned abuse action may be taken against you.
    But don't post on forum try walling a mod direct.
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