Mods suck here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by CL-XxX-RaTeD-CL, Jun 26, 2013.

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  1. So a player was told to commit suicide by another player. After she told WC, someone said it sounds like a good idea. Would you say that guy is acting like a male genital part of the body? I did & got silenced. Best strategy, talk like a 2nd grader, not like an adult. Then you won't get punished for backing someone up
  2. This game is for kids as well :) you can say whatever in pm/cc
  3. You were silenced unjust fully imo.
  4. It was Jennifer who said it.. Knowing her it was her alt that said all of that.
  5. I can call you a dick if I want to, which I do, and if I don't bypass they don't silence me. The filter is there for a reason, I don't see any need to call someone a dick and bypass.
  6. His saying why did he get silenced and not the other player who was supporting suicide.
  7. No it was not :|
  8. lock please!
  9. That sucks. Hopefully nobody off themselves. OP let me know that dude was havin hard time. I'll pm them. No reason to have everything go bad.
  10. Sorry u got silenced, im just crying atm. At this hate!
  11. Supporting suicide how every wrong it may be is not against the tou, I suggest you read it. It would be unjust no matter how deserved if he had been silenced.
  12. What's wrong with supporting suicide? If someone doesn't want to live, who are you to say they can't? Although I completely DISAGREE with suicide, I full support ones right to their own life.
  13. Even if it's not in TOU, it's still morally wrong.
  14. If you bypassed and called them a dick, the silence is justified, if you didn't bypass, it was unjust. In this case you have not shown a screen shot of your infraction. Therefor I will take the mods side in saying your silence was unjust.

    Take the 24 hours and reflect on what you could have done. SS, send to Devs, boom he's silenced, in this case supporting suicide I do not believe is against the ToU.
  15. Sounds like wrong person got silenced.

    And one doesn't need to visit the ToU to know that encouraging another to commit suicide is wrong and completely unacceptable.
  16. Mods are given the power because the devs trust THEIR morals. Your morals aren't automatically correct.

    Telling someone to commit suicide could be harassment or something, but I don't know how that works anymore. You can block people and what not.

    Did you report them? Did a mod see it? Or did you assume they did?
  17. @IGCB

    Not true. I can't say whatever I want without getting silenced because its censored xD maybe it depends on the mod.
  18. Still though, it's a 9 game. Kids are in WC and would see suicide being promoted. What if the parent of that said child saw that how would they feel?
  19. (cuts arm)Hey,moose told me to do it:4

  20. Thats actually not funny.
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