MLB 2013 All Star Game Announcement

Discussion in 'Wars' started by HellFighter, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Commissioner Bud Selig announces new All Star Selection procedure.
    Top 250 players from each league are eligible.
    Sign up date will be announced at a date to be determined, as well as how to sign up.
    MLB and fans thanks KAW for model of selecting players.
  2. Oh. Forgot to mention that it's first come first serve. Fans will love it!
  3. Just new! All team captains have had their powers suspended. Line up will be chosen at random with no ability to change it. You need not go into the field, but you will receive 500 000$ anyways.
  4. Yes. I'm whining a bit. I'm a top 1000 player who possibly got beat out by someone ranked close to 10000, just because they signed up faster than me.
    My opinion is that it should be just called a community war. Not an All Star war.
  5. yea, I woke up and immediately signed up, but...too late!!
    I shouldn't sleep...
  6. Doc...the sign up dates were listed. I doubt you know how to war too...
  7. Point is, why should list be determined by who signed up first, rather than rank?
  8. @Orbofdell
    To bad you posted with a alt, or is that your main  you clan I know of..... Who are you to diss my boy 
  9. This is my main. And please do not tell me he had no idea with ASW started.
  10. I'm just sick of people saying "it's not an all star war if it's not the top LB players"

    Just because your ranked as high as your credit card limit, does not make you a good warrer lol.
  11. So your saying that quickly signing up makes u a fearless warrior?
  12. No, I'm not. He didn't even look at the sign up times I assume, since he slept through them. And forgive me if I took his wins as an eb warrior.
  13. No, I'm saying that there is many people that war just as hard as those on the lb that aren't even ranked. People that have been around since when all you had to do was war.

    I think it's arrogant to assume everyone on the top of the lb is more "fearless" than those who aren't. I mean a lot of them know their stuff, but not all of them.
  14. Ordo it still stands that us vets got our slots taken buy players 1/2 our rank.... Not so all star more of a community war...
  15. I suppose I posted without thinking. Still, am annoyed at the number of freeloaders who joined in. Sorry to op for saying you didn't know how to war :0
  16. Doc, it depends on your view of all stars. The Devs took it as top 10k which I wholly disagree with but if you really wanted in, you shouldn't have slept.
  17. I think the real issue is the devs didn't realize how quickly the slots would fill by opening it to top 10,000. Lol last year they opened it to the top 1000 for 400 slots. When they couldn't fill the slots they opened it up to the top 2500. Took 30 hrs. This year it took 15 min.