Mithril Strategy for Resetters

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by No_0B, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. My fellow reset brethren and brethrenesses...

    If you upgrade your castle to gain access to the Alchemist when you reset your castle goes back to level 1 but you still have access to the Alchemist and can use spells. While mith is on sale buy it and activate right before you reset. The spell carries over. You will slice through quests like a hot knife through butter and you can hit EB's with only 900 stats. I activated Bloodlust and Veil of Darkness.

    With only 150 spy atk I am doing (-120) damage with my spies on Hauntings.

    Or you could just terrorize noobs with power they don't have. Mwahahaha

    Note: Any unused mith will be lost at reset but any spells you activate before reset carry over.
  2. Nice win!
  3. I want to see the epic u where in.
    U where not active in the last haunt.
    Current has not started.
  4. Good idea ima do that on a new resetter ill make
  5. I used that strategy for my last reset. 
  6. Why do ppl still reset?
  7. For xtals and nobs
  8. Some kingdoms get farmed until they reset. Some get bored. There is a reset leader board on pc.
    Use to get bonus stats for resets but not anymore.
  9. Mmm very interesting and ideal Lol support and also people still reset to get crystals from Quests or simply just for the LB.