mithril once per week

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by trazer56, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Why cant kaw make a day in the ongoing weeks mithril sale mithril is needed and people all around keep requesting for mithril i suggest making a mithiril sale every friiday
    Happy 2 see ur commets/repplies

    :/ :D
  2. Punctuation. Use it. 
  3. And grammar
  4. War for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Go to war every Friday then
  6. That would make it far to easy to get.
  7. War Friday battle list Wednesday there ya go op!
  8. Oh and because of you grammar mistakes I have to take you to my dungeon.....
  9. Mithril is valuable because it is difficult to get. If the devs made mithril available for purchase every Friday, they may as well just make it available all the time (thus devaluing the commodity)

    Sorry, but I can't get in board with that.
  10. More like 1hour every week and it's unanimous
  11. It would be nice but it's way to valuable for that
  12. Another EB noob trying to be greedy....
  13. No support.
    Its easy to horde if u pay attention to the community and/or forum new.
  14. Want mith? WAR FOR IT
  15. No support and Mithril sale it too common now, Whick sucks really bad. They should have mithril sale only once every 6 months.