Mithril from Successful Actions-Discuss, Talk and Share Idea

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by B-_-Duskull99-_-F, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. INTRO

    Well, I think I know that a lot of KaW boffins are trying to work out how much mithril you will approximately get from successful actions. This thread will attempt to get to the bottom of that very same mystery. First off, I'd like to say that I'll be using some figures from the recent war between Asharat Academy and 10th Legion, so you might want to look at that. So anyway, I'll start right away, by looking at what accounts for mithril gained from a successful war.


    From what I've found, the factors from which mithril gains are affected by go in this order, from affecting mithril gains the most to affecting them the least.

    Prestige of opposing clan, size of opposing clan, amount of plunder total raised in war, all that stuff. I'm assuming everyone will already know what those factors are.

    Size of Player-Simple logic, if a 200k combined player got 17 mithril and someone HLBC got 2, that doesn't really work out.

    Types of successful actions- Some might disagree with this, but I have evidence to prove this claim. Look at the recent war between Asharat Academy and 10th Legion. If you see the hitters from Asharat Academy, you'll see two points of particular interest. Look at B-_-BeingBee2935-_-F's stats. 350 successful actions and 1.8 bil plundered. Don't forget that Bee is HLBC. 4 mithril. Now look at I_Love_D. 125 successful actions and NO plunder raised at all. This means that I_Love_D has only assassinated or scouted the whole war. I_Love_D is also smaller than Bee. But I_Love_D has gained 5 mithril, a whole mithril more than Bee! I_Love_D is also smaller than Bee. From this evidence, I can state with confidence that I have worked out which actions will give the most mithril in a war.


    I believe everyone should know that attacks give the most mithril, and scouts give none at all. That leaves stealing and assassinating, and using the evidence I had with Bee and I_Love_D, it obviously points to the conclusion that assassinating gives much more mithril than stealing.

    Plunder gained- Mostly logic again. The more gold you get for your clan, the more mithril you get, right? Also, you have to remember system wars are mostly plunder based, so it makes sense that the more plunder you get, the more mithril.

    Number of Successful Actions- Well, there's nothing left, so I suppose the number of successful actions you do for your clan comes in last for determining your mithril gains. Also, referring back to the Asharat Academy vs 10th Legion war, I do believe there were some people who did several hundred successful actions but got no mithril.


    Admittedly, I'm not an incredible mathematician, nor have I enough research to prove exact numbers or percentages. I'll try to work this out a bit later.


    So yeah, that's about all! Please tell me if I've missed anything or have evidence to prove my work wrong. Also, I'm sorry if this has already been discussed somewhere, but I haven't seen one anywhere yet, so I decided to post this. Anyway, discuss, talk and share research. Hope you enjoyed! 
  2. That's a lot to think about. I think you've got somewhere, that the glass of Mithril matters is now translucent, not opaque.

  3. Thats great! Im about to do the same but i have some defimite sources so a new thread on similar topic will be out soon 
  4. i don't think plunder plays that big of a part in getting mithril, just prestige and actions. thats my thoughts anyways and im seeing that in the war with two clans you just said.
  5. @coolyo: Well, look again at the Bee and I_Love_D example. Bee has a whopping 350 successful actions while I_Love_D has only 125! Yet I_Love_D got more mithril. I think that points to the conclusion that the number of successful actions doesn't play that big of a role when determining mithril gains.
  6. @ONS_KillerLegs: That's pretty cool. I've only used one piece of evidence in this whole thing, so it's not really 100% confirmed or anything like that. Feel free to use parts of my OP when you're typing yours up, I haven't copyrighted this or anything :)
  7. ah~ but you can't get mitril without doing anything now can you ;p lol. anyhow here's green and dondel. green got 169 actions and got 4b while dondel got 209 actions and 3b; green got 11mit and dondel got 13mit.

    so there is more factors than what we are just seeing
  8. @coolyo: But dondel is 800k stronger than green, so it makes sense that dondel gets more mithril :)
  9. I think size of players who the successful actions were made impact a large part of mithril calculation.
  10. Hehe i am a Part of this discussiondusk
  11. This is a good discussion thread.
    Anyone can answer me this.
    For example, if I'm in a real war, 2 clans of equal prestige do battle, but an OSF opens for me on the other side, only me.
    Henceforth I will get top plunder.
    But since im winning against a defenseless opponent, will I also gain the most mithril?

    From what I see of the example given from thread starter, its probably true that your amount of successful actions don't play a huge part per say, but rather, your successful actions against whom, i.e a stronger opponent etc.
    Probably I love d was constantly assassinating kingdoms much larger than him.

    Do wall me once someone answered my 1st qn as I may forget to check back.
  12. I'd say that size and who you hit would play a big part like the large reward on the battle list so If 100k player hits a hlbc (for example) and a person whos around the same size as the hlbc osf I'm betting that the 100k stat player could get more mithril but the defence of the osf may factor into it
  13. I believe the amount of damage done on an opponent factors in . I think I will take 2 equal size opponents and put them in seperate clans and Have them fight each other And nobody else
  14. @SgArthur: But then you need to think about how big your stats are. Remember that size of the player plays a big part in the mithril calculation. But yes, having your own private OSF open for you in war, as long as you are close to HLBC, would almost certainly give you the most mithril. Your friends won't be very happy though 
  15. Good work! Wall me when you figure out the exact statistics
  16. @bettabuild: But remember that size of the actual player plays a very large part. Remember that. A HLBC is pretty much certainly gonna get more mithril than a 100k.

    I think who your actions go to doesn't plays a part at all or doesn't play that large a part. It contradicts one of the most important factors in the mithril equation: size. eg: A HLBC hitting a HLBC OSF will almost always get more mithril than a 200k or so build. This is because the HLBC will churn up more war tax than a 200k. As mentioned before, plunder is also a large factor in the mithril equation. The theory I_Love_D was constantly assassinating players higher stats than himself does have some merit to it though. It's a bit unusual to think that assassinating gives so much more mithril than stealing, and the theory that actions against larger players will net more plunder does make it seem as if assassinating will not give such huge amounts of plunder. However, if it does play a part, it will not play that large of one because as aforementioned, that would contradict the size factor.
  17. Finally found this thread. Well, I have new war results from the recent war between Kingdom of Asharat and Regulators. The results seem to back up my belief that assassinating gives pretty ridiculous mithril. I remember about half or so of my actions were assassinations, and look how much mithril I received compared to people who had got more plunder than me! The top guy on our roster got 48 mithril 0_o