mithril equipment?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IISPllO0lIKYllGUIlNllISHiPlI, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. Is any of the equipment that cost 75 mith worth it or should I save for the expensive ones? I never war so I will probably use whatever I buy for a very long time
  2. Mith eq is garbage. Wait 2 weeks this event and get free 2 pieces of equipment that are better than any eb/war equipment to date Zzzz
  3. Moth equip has become trash because of events. They used to be top tier equipment but not anymore.
  4. Devs need to get some new use for them otherwise ppl(me) just have 1000s of them sitting around doing nothing
  5. They must have some value for the smaller peeps though right? Seems like the vainglory bracers aren't bad. Ill take a look at the EB equips though. Thanks for the insight :)
  6. Mith EQ was popular before events made them obsolete. If they r better than current EQ get them but mith is also used for pvp or eb's to help u hit with less fails. Eventually events will give u better EQ.
  7. They either need to A. Make mith equip competitive with promo gear so players that miss promos have the option of warring to earn high tier equip & players who have the equip don't feel so screwed every time a promo releases new equip or...

    Option B. Give mith equip a decent plunder bonus (PvP & PvE) I know that the idea of a PvE bonus makes people want to rage, however its incentive for players who do not regularly PvP to join in. They do events & war long enough to collect a set of mith equip & are likely to continue afterwards because they will be bored of PvE. While still offering warring players extra for their commitment to warring. Granted this is limited to having the entire set (put all the equip on the market) So players can't just buy one or two pieces. Give them 25% bonus to PvP & 20% to PvE. Again I can feel the wave of rage coming on.

    Question: "Why is PvP higher?"

    Awnser: Because it requires more commitment!!

    Question: "Why only 20% on PvE?"

    Awnser : There are a vast number of spells to increase PvE actions. Br's, Promo spells, Bc's, Crux ext while PvP is limited to unholy wrath & Blitz spells over the weekend.

    Question: "Why the full set of equip instead of certain pieces?"

    Awnser: A permanent bonus you can obtain by simply throwing on equip shouldn't be easily obtainable. It should be earned through hard work & dedication.

    Question: "What about EB bars that require certain equip?"

    Awnser: You would loose the bonus until the equip is back so you miss what an unload? Considering Hte,Zta,Zoma,Lotl,Goth have no special requirements it shouldn't make a vast difference.

    Question: "What about the set you could only get during the limited time frame (can't remember which pieces it was)"

    Awnser: Devs could put them on the market same as the rest for a fair price (banners not included in this idea because they don't make a drastic difference either way)
  8. I almost 100%. But, I believe mithril obtainable banners would be outstanding.
    At a reasonable price though. 500math.
    Say like 3% Inc all around including plunder for pvp.

    Have it also be lvl up by the mithril. And the blood wood of course.
  9. @Okamura

    If the banners were decent stats I'd agree 100%
  10. Support
  11. Yup
  12. Thanks for the answers took me a while to grasp the quality of equip. As in what is "good" and what is "bad" stats. Since the numbers are so large and I dont have a computer or spreadsheets, I am stuck to analyzing equipment pretty much one piece at a time..

    Im gonna wait to see what drops out of my equip chests this event and then use my mith to purchase "filler" equipment for slots that are empty or any tier 1-5 equip that is not worth enchanting.

    There are some decent off hand and main hand weapons under 300 mith.. If I dont get a good main/off hand from event chests Im gonna buy some of those.
  13. Mith eq used to be great aad you had to participate ii many wars to get the top tier pieces. Now the promo gear will always make other gear obsolete unless you need to fill empty sslot. Or you need a certian eb eq to hit a specific eb bar
  15. 200% support