Could someone please list all the levels of uses for mithril? My phone doesn't show what attack/spy bonus you get and won't let me scroll or click on it to see. I need to know the 12 hour ones. Thanks so much!
Battle Fury - 25m atk/def Bloodlust - 45m attack/defense bonus - 12 hours Fog of War - 20m spy Veil of Darkness - 35m spy bonus - 12 hours Seal of Loyalty - hides allies for 8 hours from your profile Oath of Fealty - Hides allies for 24 hours Unholy Aura - Gives a 50% chance to make an enemy kingdom lose 100% more gold from your successful attacks and steals. - 12 hours Voice of Reason - cyan name color in chat Royal Enchantment - Purple name color Commanding Presence - Blue name color Aura of Dignity - Gold name color
Can you stack? Do the 4hr ones and the 12 hour to get more attack or just one attack and one spy at a time?