**If this Idea has already been presented, please ignore.** I just realized today while doing B2B Haunts, that I needed an Xtal to give enough gold for my next upgrade. The problem is that I don't buy Crystals but I DO have Mith from warring. My Idea is to be able to Convert Mith into Crystals. So people who don't buy Crystals can buy them with Mith. This would work great in war, people already use Mith to buy Spells, so why not add the ability to buy Crystals? Now to prevent abuse, and to make devs happy, there can be a limit of 1 every 48 hours, or whatever feels appropriate. Also Instead of it costing 1-6 Mith it should cost 7 Mith for one. because you can buy 6 Mith at max which would create Gold for Crystals which I don't think Devs would like. If you have any questions or Suggestions, please post. I know this probably won't be Implemented but might as well try. Blaze =D
Nice idea.. Probably wont happen. With an estimate of 70mith per war won, you can make 10 xtals. War costs 2 xtals max. In that case half of the clans ( winning clans ) dont have to buy xtals anymore. I dont think devs are going to cut their profit from ee in half if they do not have to. - Elite
it has been suggested before... I dont buy xtals either (my mom buys em lol but too less lol). But it shouldnt be 7 mith, 1tvp will get you 1-2 xtals. I say 75 mith/xtal would be a good price. that 48 hr delay is good. Prevents abuses 90%. tho it needs more workout because the devs will make less $ with this. like... that you can buy mith to get xtals the other way (with rl $) n this would be like... $0.75/50mith. Also that bought mith shouldnt be able to be used to buy mith eq. SOOOO Supportbutit needs to be shaved a bit
I feel like 250 seems a bit High. I think based on your stats and War history, the Mith cost wil vary.
@Insane What I suggested earlier, is based off of your Stats and War History The price wares. If you are constantly winning wars the price is higher, but if you are losing wars than It costs less. stats could be thrown into the equation but I think Raw War history would be the best.
Am I the only one to wonder how he got mith from war w/o buying xtals? That paladin eb must serve u well
Smooth I always war without Xstals and do well. You would be surprised. And no, The Palidian EB hates my guts, but that's fine because I win 3 out of 4 wars.