How about a new mith sale ? Buy as much mith as you can carry for 3 days lol. Come on devs give us attack builds a chance to get mith equips. Please
Do ee, everyone who does ee works hard for their mith, why now should it be basically free to get ? No support at all
Builds like mine are only good for eb. My 2 years on here I never had 1 chance to earn mith or get any mith equipment. I think that is stupid. People who don't support this are usually spy builds anyway with all mith equips. This is for people who don't have tons of towers and don't have spy stats to go into war.
No support whatsoever. I wanted myth so built a war build. i had to compromise my build and plunder to put up towers, and spent years waring for myth. Guess what, I have myth and myth equip as a consequence. Want myth. WAR!!!
Ok well then that's that. Looks like ill never have mith equips. Thanks devs for making mith equipment only for spy builds and tower builds. So thoughtful of you guys. Back to my eb now.
Seriously? Didn't you not hear about the Indi wars? I guess if it takes effort, you're not game. You're what's wrong with KaW