Mith Proposal

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SeXyJoE, Jul 11, 2013.

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  1. Hello Forums! ;)

    I saw a thread about the limits of mith purchasing, and it got me thinking, they are currently a bit too low :O

    So I propose that the mith purchase limit should be increased to 14.

    New people that want to war in clans can't because they do not have enough mith to cast all four attack spells, if this is increased, the newer players are able to join clans and learn how to war, and make more mith in the long term. At the moment, players are being rejected because they are not able to cast all four attack spells, which means there is no way to actually be able to make up enough mith to war. This is a problem because it can lead to players quitting, as they cannot buy any of the mith equipment :(

    I'd like to hear the forums discussion on this matter! Feel free to add or takeaway anything, constructive criticism is welcomed ;)

    Chat away ;)
  2. This is a good idea
    The devs need to put mith back in normal wars.
  3. Mith back in normal wars.
  4. Um no. Buy 6 then cast, buy 6 more then cast. Buy 2 more and cast the smaller spells.
  5. That would work too ;) Although it is more likely to be abused by players that way
  6. o_O mith limit causes players to quit? Holy cheese and sprinkles! What a travesty. Quick ATA! Up teh limitz! Giv'er all shes got cap'n, we're losing 'er!
  7. The limit on mith is 6 meaning that u can buy cast by 6 more repeat then buy the last 2. If they can't cast all 4 spells it is because they have not unlocked the 2 big spells in which case they should not be warring yet.
  8. Zorse, how can that be abused u moron? your talking about quitting over not getting equip. Everything cant be handrd to your asses, build some sdt and stfu!!!
  9. handed*๎Ž
  10. Constructive criticism Delphin, not just criticism -.-
  11. The single holding limit is six, with a daily maximum of 36. This was pointless.

    Buy 6, cast
    Buy 6 more, cast the other 6 mith spell
    Buy 2 more, cast base 1 mith spells
    BAM!!! 14 mith
  12. Booty, I was talking about the idea of mith being out back into normal wars -.- Tha would be abused. How could your idea be abused? You're the moron.
  13. I support what Tickled said, it cant be abused because daily limit is buying 36 mith. (I believe)
  14. Enjoy kaw zorse๎€‘๎„œ
  15. You want constuction ? Go check out the anti-building thread.

    In all cerealness though, youre talking crazy. You can buy enough mith to start a war maxed out, amd buy enough extra to get your start, then when you win your war, you can start building and eventually get your equips. Once you have past the limit, theres not much sense in buying more. War is the answer!
  16. Personally I think some things should be considered about this, as spells like unholy aura are useless unless you war! So maybe you should be able to buy the spells with gold clean off! Like it would cost the same as the price of mith multiplied by the amount of mith needed! So then mith spells can all be cast, but mith is still a MUST for the buy of equipment!
  17. Dammit... Ampersand...
    @growlithe (AND) tickled -
    Upping the holding limit from 6 to 14 allows peeps to buy guranteed enchantments over time, rather that warring for the whole shebang.

    And if you put mith back in system wars, mithril is then devalued. Dont see either happening, sorry.
  18. Oh I just saw your post Hand :lol:

    Btw I have no idea what you put after my name because im on android and cant see emoji in forums. :(
  19. Delph, I understand what your saying, but newer players might not know or understand this, all I'm saying is that this idea could make it easier for newer players :)
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