Mith Payout

Discussion in 'Wars' started by aTMoSPHeRe, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Why do ghs get more mith, why can't it be the same? It's like the devs want everyone to be a Gh
  2. Nope its just....................
  3. Why is the sky green?
    Why can dogs fly?
    Why can I smell slender_man's breath from here?
  4. I assume the amount of mith you get from your actions is based on the price of mith for you
  5. Lol, I get only 55
  6. Protected, stop posting that same gif on every thread you see.
  7. Mith payout is inversely proportional to the cost of mith at your alchemist. Think of it this way. If you overal contribute 30bil to the war in pots, plunder earned, koes. There is more to that, i am being lazy. Divide that final plunder number by whatever mith cost is at your alchemist. So for reg gh it would be something like 30bil/ 600-700mil. Then you have a giant 10-12mil cs hybrid that contributed same 30bil to war as well. His alchemist mith costs 1.5bil though. If you do the math: 30bil/1.5=……… you get much lesser number. This is exactly the reason why guilds get much more mithril. Even though contribuion to war may have been the same by both builds the mith payout will be different.
  8. it depends on miths spent,cost of mith(inversely propotional),ur actions,pots spent,koes and plunder earned....ghs have more actions than a regular build because of 2-3 extra hits everytime(nd maybe cz people dont wanna attack ghs so much),miths spent is also affects the payout by a little
  9. I have done EE with a lot of different builds..GH/ght by far has best payout on a consistent basis..$$$$$