mith manipulation

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DO_ChaS_TM, Jun 17, 2013.

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  1. If a clan goes to war intending to loose and cast no spells using no mith should they still have access to TVP EB to gain mith?
  2. Ok, let me explain this to you.

    See, a smart clan wouldn't cast any spells before they get the message that they havent been matched. Because if you are matched, you get a message about 30 mins saying "All spells casted at this time will go towards your winnings." So if you cast the spells BEFORE you get that message, that wont go towards your winnings. So what i do is wait until i get that message and cast my spells, so i dont waste mith on a war i probably wont even go to. Then, to my advantage, i can gain more mith from TVP for Alchemist equip, future wars, ect. But thats just what i do, and i havent been in TONS of wars, so you just do what you do.
  3.  Who's clan is this too?
  4. It is a very smart idea
  5. That way you don't have to spend billions on pots and mith when you take the chance to lose.
  6. I think what OP meant is: what happens if the opponent enters EE with the full intention of throwing the match. Hence, they do not cast spells but stands to gain 11-15 miths from the ensuing TVP. If this allegation can be substantiated, I would suggest to write to dev to highlight a possible EE exploit. I reckon that they shouldn't enjoy this privilege.
  7. Honestly I think it might be fun if everyone just agreed to NOT mith in EE wars. That way everyone who participates gets some mith payout, thus increasing participation. Not much different than 'no stripping in friendly system wars' and the 'more than 5 hits is farming' conventions that players adopted.
  8. Exactly anticancer
  9. What's happening is a complete manipulation of the we attempt.
  10. It's not really an exploit.
  11. Well, if you're gonna have tweaks in the system, you're bound to have exploits. Agreed, they shouldn't be doing this, but these are the kind of things devs need to think about.
  12. This is the kinda fuss people make when try win. It's scary to think what kind of tantrum they're oils throw when they lose.
  13. I meant they'll.
  14. I have no clue how oil got there
  15. What the serious **** Rp?
  16. I've never complained about a loss but if a clan is to cowardly to truly participate why should they be rewarded?
  17. At least you get to gangbang em for a while. There's your compensation for them cheating the system.
  18. Winning 1 war < Max Enchanted Soulreaper
  19. Maybe they just don't want to spend billions on pots/mith to win maybe ever thought of that mate?
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