Mith back during wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *xxxxxxNINJAxxxxxx (01), Feb 20, 2013.

  1. I know there's already a thread about this, but I wanted to see people's opinions on this idea.

    The mith that's used before war starts (the "mithing up" part) gets split in half and given back to you if you lose.

    Ex. Say you used 14 mith to mith up. If you lost, you'd get 7 mith back. See where I'm going here? Less people complaining about the 24 hour mith thing between Thursday and Friday...

    Ideas? Opinions? Shoot em at me!
  2. Hmm interesting thought...
  3. Support(;
  4. I guess i'll support as well. Not a bad idea.
  5. Support first thing that makes sense involving rewards when losing in estocs.
  6. No support. Estoc is a gamble. You put EVERYTHING in and you expect to win then so you get everything back and more.
  7. @omet I see your point, but haven't you seen all the people who get mad about not being able to buy mith again for next war? I'm not saying they get ALL their mith back, only half. And they don't get what they WOULD of won. They get half of the amount they SPENT.
  8. No support if you win you get mith losers shouldn't get a conciliation prize for competing.
  9. *Consolation
    And its not a prize. From what I understand, its a way to fix the mith buying problem.
  10. Thanks for the support :) and @Vas you are right :)
  11. No support, if you you should be rewarded. If you loose, well then you loose. I've lost a lot of gold and mith in wars. That's just part of the game. It makes it more exciting. Maybe the ppl that don't want to loose anything shouldn't war!!
  12. You should also ask for a ee participation badge, that would be sweeeeeeet...

    Just kidding, this whole win even if you lose thing is bringing down society. You lose, dont cry, pick yourself up, learn, get better and try again. Everything is not for everyone.
  13. Support esp when devs haven't perfected pairing for wars
  14. No support. How about this:

    Don't lose.
  15. Wait get mith back when u lose? Hell no