Mismatch war roster

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by TF_Alpha_Steel_Omega_420_TF, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. I am extremely annoyed and bothered by the developers lack of preparation in the event that they don't have enough matches for war I was part of a clan who didn't get matched do to lack of another team to match against as consolation we were given no event items no war tokens or pelts but instead a chance to fight an eb the vanquished palladen which ended up dropping 11 mith it is my belief and feeling we should have been given an automatic win and the appropriate event items including pelts war tokens and the usual 50 mith instead of the cheap 11 mith and no event items what so ever
  2. While I agree that the no match compensation should be better, including event rewards and war rewards, it should definitely not be equivalent to that of a win.
  3. Support
  4. Sucks to suck  but yes I agree that getting a NM should at give you 300 ish event items and 25 mith :p

  5. Congratulations on your first forum post, welcome to the club.. What size is your head for the official Forum hat?

    Good luck out there..
  6. Should give the equivalent of a loss, not a win. I agree that tVP isn't a good compensation for NM. It's laughable that devs still have that one out lol. Except for the discount on ll prices, there's no indication that devs put any thought into s6.
  7. I also think it should pay as a loss, not a win, even tho paying as a win would definitely benefit me, :lol:. But that wouldn't be fair for all those who warred hard for that win.
  8. Support
  9. The thoughts were plain and simple...

    Clan wars revitalized.
    LL War was introduced with BFE/BFA %.
    IWar replaced old gamed war systems.
    Its called EVOLVING.