mismatch in lb indi war roster

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TAN_DATA_GRA, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Devs I have raised this issue before and bringing it up again. Two indi wars today and both were such a big mismatch. We had IMF on our side and then 5 more lb. opponents were given 10 lb to compensate for IMF. That's a big mismatch. Please listen don't waste people's time and money. IMF alone can take on 2-3 lb but rest of mismatch created by that is too big. I'm cr 8 and I'm no where close to lb when there cr8 is lb 146.
    I lost both wars thanks a lot to guys. Stop creating such a big mismatches.

    And increase roster size for Indi wars. Atleast 20-25. In 15 ppl roster very often no wc and no tracker.

    Otherwise get ready for lot more lb leaving the game just like few who left recently.
  2. Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah

    (Put to the old meow meow meow tune the MeowMix used in commercials)
  3. No support for changing roster sizes. 15 is fine
  4. I'm just saying for indi wars. Leave primals n round same
  5. Yeah I'm talking about indi wars roster
  6. Increasing the roster size I'll make it very hard to find a match
  7. Just for indi war. That's not gonna affect match
  8. No support roster size is perfect for indi wars. Requiring more people lessens number of teams thus worsening mis matches. I've lost my first two indi wars and I'm still enjoying them. I know my time will come for a good team. Ty devs for giving us all a way to war. People are gonna complain no matter what. Go play GoW or CoC and see what it's like to have devs that respond to nothing the community wants. 
  9. 15 is just fine gives us enough brackets so you don't have small people in big LB wars it happens do with what you can and move on. Part of casting for Indi
  10. If I was your owner I'd not be very happy :lol:
  11. No offense to anyone with this build but what kind of build does Little-Evil have?
  12. My bfa puts me a little above SH hit range, which is exactly where I want to be  and before people cry exploit I've exploited nothing, just playing how I want to play. I don't have the money to grow past a certain point nor the time to grind EBs. So small works for me
  13. Dude don't trip, I have an alt with the same exact build layout. Its makes great mith too and the bracket it places you in is great if you have good bfe and some sdt
  14. Sorry Shawn didn't mean that to sound rude lol
  15. Wolv, support
  16. So a top 3 LB plus 5 LB vs 10 LB. This dosnt sound that unfair depending on the LB guys size besides IMF and the rest of the roster
  17. I understand your frustration bro it's just indi wars are 50/50, you'll have bad stretches bud it will even out eventually. And I think they are the best thing to happen to wars in a long time bc everyone can enjoy it.
    The first one I did I was way ahead on bfe and bfa from other side and we still lost bc they were simply better. If we'd won no doubt some of them would of thought it a mismatch as we had more bfe than them by a long shot
  18. I take it your build is one level 1 stable, 1 guild and level 1 Spy defence towers?

  19. I love that build. Especially as your lands complete. Guess you had enough of KaW?
  20. The issue is - devs cannot compensate properly when a huge lb player casts for war and there is no one to counter him on the opposing roster.

    Usually when one side has a lb player way bigger than the biggest on the other side - devs struggle to create balenced teams. It's typically a mismatch every time. One side slaughters the other side.

    This isn't as big a concern with weekend wars because of the shear size of the rosters. These mismatches are more pronounced with smaller 15 man rosters. Possibly the bigger the roster the less likely a mismatch will occur.

    If devs continue with 15 man roster, it makes more sense 4 dev's to not roster imf and give him a message
    - due to matching concerns, we are unable to place you in a indi war clan