40 minimum is killing small clans. EE is supposed to promote clan loyalty. 40 is promoting Mercs. Thanks devs
He could of explained it more Thoughtfully. Then he says *thanks devs* like if their gonna come and change the rules for him. They don't even look at forums.
Ummm yea, 40 isnt good.. mercs equal noobs that dont know how to war or they jus dont listen. 25 is plenty for a good small clan. I agree with mag5...
You put it back down to 25 then the next thread will be complaining about being outnumbered again. There isn't a way to make everyone happy.
I was actually in the midst of writing a forum post with a similar idea. You can't solve something without presenting an valid argument as well as a proposal for a solution. This is too short, lacking ideas and this post is text only. You've hardly opened this thread up for discussion, which makes it irrelevant to post, in my opinion.
Oh and fear, u have an option to read these. He is jus voicing his opinion, if u dont like then jus skip over it.
With that being said, I do agree. The 40 minimum is murdering the clan loyalty. Merc do not stay for edge anymore, they don't care. They want the mith. I want to war with those I can trust, not have to stack our rosters with people we don't even know can perform.
Lovely it's forums I can voice my opinion, am not flaming or derailing the thread. Just how ur expressing ur opinion about Mercs, that their just noobs and don't know how to war.
Not all mercs., jus some :/ brig explained it in a nicer way than i did. And i was refering to ur first comment "shut up" lol thats not an opinion...
So true , mercs is not good , sometimes they only want mithril and dont care for the clans they joined,
Support 25 is enough to lots of small clans to join. More Clans = More Wars, different matchs every time!