Post some moral mind games here. You're driving down a dark road on a cold stormy night. You pull up to a bus stop, and there are three people there. A Shivering old lady, holding only an umbrella. A childhood friend, who once saved your life. And lastly, your dream woman. You can only give a ride to one. Who?
Personally, I would give my friend my keys to drive the old lady to where she needs to go, then wait for the bus with the girl.
I agree with you. If the girl is mad that you gave the keys to your childhood friend who SAVED YOUR LIFE and to drive a shivering old lady, **always respect yo elders guys**, That girl just ain't the one. No matter what - Even if she's the "dream girl"; We control our destiny and fate, not the other way around. As William Shakesphere once said, “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”
I am pretty sure the old lady is fleeing the scene of an umbrella murder. She may get all Wolf Creek. I'd take the dream woman, because if I am dreaming then I am asleep and will probably wreck the car. And wrecking the car with the childhood friend in it seems a poor repayment.
Here's another. You're on a cliff, with three people. Your father, and old man, and young child. Suddenly, the cliff falls, and you only have time to save one. Who?
My father. Blood is thicker than water. Plus, if the kid is dumb enough to hang off a cliff, he deserves to die, and the old man had cancer anyway.
Now let's change the circumstances a bit. Your father divorced your mother when you were three, you never had a lot of time to get very close to him, besides the occasional visit. The old man has a grandbaby in his lap. The kid has been cursing the whole time. Go.
You cared little for your father so why care now? The grandfather with a baby near a cliff, kind of stupid but they seem like the most logical option. 2 lives saved instead of 1. The child who's being CHILDISH. I don't know. This deciding who lives and dies is kind of dark.
You aren't deciding that. You're reacting in the heat of the moment, and Doing what you deem the best.
You don't have time to think to react you just reach for one they reach for the there and you get pulled down. The end. That was the dream you had while driving into the tree after hitting the friend the lady and the girl right?