Min numbers required for ee wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), May 8, 2013.

  1. G'day everyone pls don't whine,I would like everyone's opinion on the minimum number of people required for ee wars I think 25 is to high for smaller clans.
    The ee bonus when you win is great to promote clan loyalty but what about the people that leave your clan to war cause you don't have the minimum required numbers that doesn't help clan loyalty.
    Please be honest thanks for your time hope you all have a great day.
  2. I personally think min required numbers should be 15
  3. Post with a main no one cares about no stat alts
  4. I think 10
  5. I think lowering it to 20 wouldn't hurt, maybe get another 10-20 clans fighting each week
  6. 20 would be a good minimum clans would have more match ups but the downside is if all the 20 not big then hitting eb to gather war funds would be problematic an would send xtal purchases thru the roof, cause if 20 peeps don't get a match up then the vanished pladins would be more of a curse than blessing
  7. I like the idea of lower minimum for off-peak war times. Many clans find it hard to get 25 members to fight in the times for Asia, so we end up with less clans fighting and less wars.
    I also like the idea Kaw Admin had for tighter restrictions on clan size that the community didn't want, although we ended up that way naturally now that no clan signs up with more than 35 members.
  8. Would love to see minimum set to 15. Would increase the number of clans warring drastically
  9. Thanks for your input
  10. Screw up mm
    More lag
    Already small enough
    Find a bigger clan

    Problem solved, question answered
