Min Attack For Haunting Without Pot

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Wlnd, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. Hi, I don't know if this question has been answered before, but yeah, I'd like to know what's the minimum attack stats to be able to hit haunting successfully on each unload without using pots. Thanks.
  2. Or are you messing
  3. Alright, I'll test that out. Thank you.
  4. Really??? Cause I still fail a couple hits
  5. Well everyone can fail hits but ppl can hit at those stats
  6. I am about 1.2 mil stat but sometimes my attk is unsuccessful too lol
  7. HLBC players fail without pots. You need a good strong bfa to be able to hit successfully without pots.
  8. I can get my first 2 hits in without pots. Thats all you should ever really hit with anyways.
  9. I heard 600k for a mostly good part of an unload... I haven't tested personally though.
  10. A Hansel needs a bfa of 34 mil to hit in haunting without the pots.
  11. I can unload half my troops in haunting without losing once.
  12. When I had 1m attack I could hit without pots till about 3-4 left.
  13. If you want to have a successful attack in haunting, simple make sure you have minimum 30 mil attack troops (check under ur stats to find out at each hit how many are left). Thats the base point. If you can have that much under ur ally bonus, then all your hits in an unload will be successful.
  14. My stats hit about 10/13 so yah
  15. I do 48 with no pots 58 with 1mill gold pot 68 with 2.5 mill gold pot, and 78 with 7.5 mill pot
  16. No i have 30 million and i fail 3 times using 2.5 1 m attack pot