milthril sale

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_ASLAND_ (01), Jul 31, 2012.

  1. MILTHRIL is back on sale!! It costs 300,000,000 gold for 1 piece so use your money wisely...moose
  2. There are already threads on this, and price is different depending on your build, so do your research before you post

  3. ._.


    Seriously, why is all spam moved to FF? :| I know not that many people are regulars here, but that doesn't mean that you dump your crap here.
  4. lololol it is in ff. i never go in ff unless it is up in the active topic board
  5. :| So you're on pc..?
  6. SR-Candidus

    Posts: 1960
    Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:47 pm

    does that answer your question?
  7. No. It was rhetorical. It didn't need an answer, because I already knew it.